Whose Baby

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sitting on my toilet typing this right now 💀

on a serious note, i had family/personal issues going on these past couple weeks and i also coach a dance team three days a week and ALSO have a mythology class i'm taking so it's been busy but i'm okay and back now!

"Well, what do we have here?" A very tall 😫 🍆 💦 man with a familiar voice enters through the front door and a few other people enter, covered in all black clothing including black face masks.

"We're bleeding out, didn't you get the memo?" Yoongi sighs while trying to stand up.

"What a jokester." The man smirks, "Clean this place up." He directs the rest of his people and the about ten or so of them all leave in different directions to clean every inch of this place, "Yes, I did get the memo. Once we're in the ambulance you better reiterate every detail on what and how the fuck this happened." He looks around at the smashed vases and then slowly over towards me.

"And who caused it." He raises a brow at me and I clench my fists at what he's insinuating.

"Leave her alone, Namjoon. It was me. I'll explain later. She actually saved both of our lives, seriously." He practically growls out in a low and pissed off tone, a little hostile since I was the one to actually save both of our asses.

A fleeting expression of shock washes over his face as he looks back to Yoongi and then sighs, turning back to me while his shoulders relax. As another tall man in a long white doctors coat wheels in two stretchers, Namjoon crouches down in front of me.

"I'm Kim Namjoon, nice to meet you, Sweetheart." He holds his hand out and I hesitate before I hold up my left hand which doesn't have glass in it.

"Glass is in my right." I clear up his confusion and he switches hands to shake mine, nodding.

My face heats up, embarrassed that I'm getting blood on him.

"Don't worry about that, and my apologies as well." He smiles, showing his dimples.

"Y/n." I state my name to him, "And it's alright, I understand." I brush it off while slightly intimidated.

"Okay, let's get them onto the stretchers and take them to the ambulance." The other tall dude catches our attention again.


My eyebrows raise, "Ambulance?" I whisper under my breath as they mention it again, "I thought authorities couldn't get involved?"

I glance between Namjoon and the other man until the other man speaks up again, "Well, I'm not just any authority." He winks with a smile, "I'm 💞 Kim Seokjin 💞 and I'm a doctor who works for Namjoon and a few of my other friends." He walks over my way and starts to help me up.

"Fuck- " I gasp out as Seokjin gets me into a standing position, my vision getting blurrier by the minute and my head pounding terribly hard.

"Hey! Be careful with her." Yoongi's eyes widen at Seokjin.

"That babydoll will be just fine, you know she's in good hands with Jin." Namjoon chuckles while carefully helping Yoongi up and onto the stretcher on his stomach since the marble shard is still sticking out of his back.

"Damn, an accident with you hasn't happened in at least a couple years." Namjoon mutters under his breath, staring at Yoongi's bloody back.

"Yeah, I know." Yoongi rolls his eyes, not liking this situation and what it's done to his ego.

I lay on my back, completely still, while Seokjin straps me down to the stretcher and Namjoon does the same to Yoongi.

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