Chapter 34: Wind and Thunder

Start from the beginning

Zane watches as the adventurers in team one manage to stop the tornado once again. Then after it has slowed down, the team two members move in to attack and kill the sylph that is controlling it. Just like in the previous one, they do this by using magic to shoot it out of the sky. This time a fire spell chars and kills the sylph.

Now that the second of the tornados has been taken care of the team next looks to the third tornado. This one is coming at them. Zane notices this, but is more concerned about the fourth tornado that is further away from them. It has almost reached the carriages that the adventurers came in.

Seeing this Zane reports, "The fourth tornado is about to destroy the carriages."

Hearing this, several of the others turn to see that he is right. This results in half of them rushing at that tornado. The other half of the adventurers keep going at the nearer of the tornados.

Zane joins the group that is heading for the carriage. When they have just about reached the tornado, the five casters that are in this team use wind magic to try and slow down the tornado. This time, unlike in previous attempts they can only barely slow it down.

These team one members are doing the best that they can to slow the winds down. However, it is obvious that they will not be able to hold out for very long like this. Realizing this a gold rank adventurer charges forward to go and attack the sylph despite the winds still raging quite powerfully.

No other adventurers choose to join him, which means this single person braves the winds on his own. Zane watches as this adventurer uses a barrier spell to keep the powerful winds from totally killing him. He then slowly pushes through the tornado to the eye of the storm. Once he is there, the winds are calmer and he can lower the barrier.

Zane is expecting the adventurer to next use some type of magic to shoot the sylph out of the sky. This is not what he does though. Instead this adventurer throws something into the air. Zane cannot tell what it is as a result of him only being able to see the silhouette of what is going on inside of the tornado.

Whatever was thrown at the sylph hits it. The tornado then stops and the sylph starts to fall to the ground. As soon as the sylph has fallen far enough, the gold rank adventurer pulls out a jar and captures the sylph inside of it. This is a magic item that was given to the group to capture monsters in.

Now that this sylph has been captured, Zane and the others look towards the last of the tornados. It is still blowing quite powerfully as the adventurers are having a hard time slowing down the winds.

The already exhausted casters that went to protect the carriages move to go and slow down the winds further. Using their magic in conjunction with the other casters, the tornado slows slightly. At this point a lower ranked adventurer that was originally on the third team rushes to try and capture the sylph. He is caught by the tornado winds and thrown backwards.

Zane watches this man as he gets flung into the gold rank adventurer that just captured a sylph. Seeing this, Zane grows worried that the jar the sylph was in is going to break. For this reason he rushes over to see if that man is alright, as well as to make sure the jar has not broken.

When Zane reaches the adventurer, he sees that the jar is in his left hand. The jar is not damaged in any way. This would normally not be a problem, other than the man's left hand happens to be pointing the wrong way.

Seeing this Zane asks, "Are you going to be alright?"

The man replies, "Yeah, this is not a big deal. I have had my bones break before."

"Even still, are you sure that you are going to be fine?" Zane asks in a concerned voice.

"Of course. I have gone through much worse than this. The jar is still intact, so that is all that really matters. I am going to make a small fortune thanks to this little lady. Heck I bet I will be able to retire thanks to it," the adventurer says.

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