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(Authors Note: Hey my readers! Just to clear up some confusion. Some schools in different countries graduate a year earlier in age, especially private ones like this one. But even so, I'm having our main characters graduate a year early. Not only that, but this is the last chapter. On with the story!)

Everything was set up so to speak. All the graduating students, the families, the escape plan. By the time this is over, we will be home free. Felix even got us a small place just on the outskirts of the city. We will finally be safe. Soon, this will all be over. I look over at Felix in the line of students, his graduation gown and cap. He will be speaking at the ceremony, giving a perfect cover. In the crowd, I notice Alya, Chloe, Nino, the entire class. Even Ms. Bustier showed up! The only comfort is that Lie-la isn't there. My parents are right next to them, staring at me blankly but in a colder manner. Our relationship will never be the same between us again, in more simple terms. 

"Good afternoon, everyone! Thank you all for joining us for the graduation our 2022 graduating class." The audience claps, albeit, slower for the Akuma Class as we nicknamed them while planning. 

"We have had our ups and downs, newcomers and old faces, but I'm honored to say that these students made it through our programs." A projector falls behind the podium, lighting up with a collage of pictures of classes, lunch, and other activities. A few stand out in my mind. 

Felix and Claude arguing with Allan and Allegra on the group laughing. A memory before I transferred. 

Allegra and me talking in the lunch table in Mandarin. 

Claude attempting to prank me on my first day but me backfiring it while Allegra is laughing. 

Felix pummeled with papers on his desk, his face barely visible. 

Me and Felix talking in the hallways on my first day. 

There are several of students I don't recognize, which is no surprise. After all, most of it is a blur between schoolwork and akuma defeating with Felix as Cat Noir. I did manage to work a little in my spare time with reading some workbooks the fashion students weren't using. When we graduate, I'm diving headfirst into my dream of becoming a fashion designer. With no rogue miraculous holders to defeat, all the kwamis safely inside the Miracle Box, means I finally have more time to myself. 

Plus, I won't be alone. I'll have Felix, Allegra, Allan, and Claude after all. 

"As you can see, these last years have certainly been eventful. Now, onto getting the students diplomas and then we will start some speeches the students have prepared. We start off-" I tune out most of the diplomas, although I smile when I receive mine before sitting down. When the speeches start, again, I tune out, since the few besides Felix are by unknown students. Claude distracts me but writing jokes on a scratch piece of paper in got and trying not to laugh. Allegra rolls her eyes at his antics, but I find them comforting. At least I'm not bored. I don't think I'll ever be with Claude around. 

I am surprised by how quiet the Akuma class has been. Besides Alya recording, probably for her trash blog, or to Lie-la, there isn't much activity. It concerns me, their reactions to the plan. There aren't any chances of akumatization, but still. As much as they hurt me, they were fooled by a liar. They could lose everything, and probably will. The entire lot stopped working hard and started slacking in part to Lie-la telling them she would get them in contact with her 'celebrity friends.' 

But for once, I'm thinking about me. 

Not about what's right. 

"Before we get onto the last speech, I just want to remind you that the afterparty is in the cafeteria right after the ceremony. The student has already been given their diplomas, so please leave accordingly. Now, the last speech of the night, please welcome Felix Agreste." The audience applauds, although Adrien and the Akuma class don't. No surprise there. Adrien must have told them about his twin. 

"Good afternoon, fellow students, staff, and families. I am pleased by how far we have come these past years and am looking forward to where the future takes us. Now, I do have a quick video I would like to present on behalf of those who are known to follow me continuously like a heard of ducklings, but also my girlfriend. Take it away Allan." Claude snorts at the description before making himself scarce, the plan commencing. I sit back at watch the show. 

Every clip that I ever secretly caught of Lie-la tormenting me.

The threats in the bathroom,

Lie-la putting her necklace in my backpack to get me expelled,

The taunts, 

The reactions my classmates got for believing her fantastical stories, 

All of it. 

Right down to her fighting me and Felix as Ladybug and Cat Noir before being hauled away to that medical facility. 

I stare out at the gaping audience, specifically the Akuma class, which are staring in utter disbelief as the video ends before Alya starts yelling. 

"MARIBRAT! YOU DID THIS! YOU PHOTOSHOPPED IT ALL SO LILA WOULD TAKE THE FALL FOR WHAT YOU DID! YOU ARE A LYING SNAKE!" I stare at her blankly, not surprised in the slightest before Felix begins to speak again. 

"We hope you have a marvelous time, have a wonderful night!" Then he runs from the podium, grabs my hand, and we run backstage and out into our getaway ride. The Gorilla gives Felix and me a nod before driving away from the scene. Me and Felix breathily laugh before staring at each other. "The Gorilla?" Felix chuckles, nodding. 

"He was one of the few staff that cared for me and Adrien and was not a part of Gabriel's business. He is working as a driver and bodyguard for Adrien now, but he agreed to drive us home. It is not as if Adrien could get him to begin talking about where we are now going to be living." I smile, leaning my head against his shoulder. 

"It's over now my light. We are free." 

"We are free." 

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