A Little Information Before We Begin...

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This is a FELINETTE AU, but wait! Don't go anywhere! Let me explain...

To put it lightly, I wasn't the biggest fan of Season 3 of Miraculous Ladybug. Characters who had good development buildup went out the window, *cough* Chloe *cough*, and there were episode plots that made me want to hit my head on my pillow in frustration. In fact, currently, I prefer reading fan fiction than I do watching the actual show. So I decided to go back to the PV version and rewatch it. I liked it a lot and chose to write my own story based on a mixture of my own ideas, the PV version, and the 3D version that we currently have. Here are the main changes. 

1. Adrien Agreste has a twin brother who goes to a boarding school and is NOT Cat Noir. 

Yes I know, I can practically hear the gasps of shock coming out of your mouths. (If you can't tell, I'm being jokingly sarcastic as I'm writing this.) But hear me out here. In the PV version, Felix is the son of Gabriel Agreste. After losing his mother, and his father became closed off, Felix did too in fear of losing anymore loved ones. He let himself finally be free as Cat Noir. I liked the idea and decided to use that but make some alterations to his character by adding a bit of the personality of being related to someone like Adrien into the mix. 

For this story, Felix is the first son of Gabriel Agreste, older twin brother of Adrien Agreste, and is Cat Noir. He is closed off, kinda like his father, and goes to a different school, a private boarding school in fact, that is kinda like a junior college/prep program. Which so happens to be the rival school of Francois Dupont. He is the heir to the Agreste family and is gifted at business. The similarities of Adrien and Felix, are that he is extremely loyal and kind to those he cares for underneath the cold mask and he has been wary of his father for years and doesn't trust him. He also has a strained relationship with his brother but underneath still cares for him. I'm not saying he isn't in the PV version, but he only shows that kind side of him as Cat Noir. I'm changing that and Marinette will notice it. He also does some of the activities as his brother Adrien does such as piano and learning Mandarin.

2. There will be both the 3D version and the PV version of characters.

The PV is also known as the Quantic Kids version, who are Marinette's friends in the original 2D anime, and I will be using them as Marinette's new friend group as the story goes on since all of Marinette's friends from Francois Dupont are on the side of Lila. These are Claude, Allan, and Allegra. Claude is a goofball who is always trying to make people laugh, and enjoy themselves. Allan is a chill guy, Claude's best friend, kinda the peacemaker in the group, getting everyone to chill out, and likes graphic design, and Allegra is a studious learner who loves learning about history and knows a multitude of languages. (They will become as close as Alya and Marinette were previously. Basically sisters that aren't blood related.) They will also become miraculous holders. Allegra will be the new bee miraculous holder, Allan will be the new turtle miraculous holder, and Claude will have the monkey miraculous (Kim never becomes a holder.)

3. Marinette is a lot more aware of her Chinese heritage.

Since family is sacred in Chinese and most Asian culture, it struck me as odd that Sabine never taught her daughter her own native language or never visited Shanghai until very recently in the show. In this story, Marinette grew up learning both French (since they live in France, kinda obvious so don't get confused. I'm not going to write the story in French.) and Mandarin. She also grew up visiting China and her mother's side of the family every few years until quite recently. I unfortunately can't write in Mandarin on Wattpad, so there will be some instant translations, in a few conversations. You'll understand if you read on into the actual book. 

4. The relationship between Felix and Marinette will be kinda a haters-friends-lovers relationship 

What I mean by that is in the beginning, Felix and Marinette won't trust each other and dismiss each other. However, there will be an unspoken layer of understanding between them from the time they meet that they can't explain since they have been partners as their alter egos even though they don't know it. Once Felix and Marinette begin to team up to figure some things out with Gabriel and other scenarios, they will become friends, and then eventually they will fall in love with each other. 

5. The suits of Ladybug and Cat Noir will be different. 

I have decided to combine the PV version with the 3D one along with the fact that they are a little older. Ladybug's suit will be red and black spotted with black gloves that have a black gloves, boots, and her hair will hang loose to her shoulders. Her yoyo is held at her hip with a black sash. 

Cat Noir's suit will be all black, with accenting lines of silver that are barely noticeable. His zipper for his suit is a large golden bell (larger than the 3D version Cat Noir) that doesn't ring for stealth reasons, Black clawed gloves, two smaller batons on his back kinda like katanas, black boots, and a silver belt with a black buckle of a cat with green eyes. His hair messy, and his mask a bit more sleek, black cat ears, and extremely long black tail. His eyes are all green with bluish-gray pupils and are cat like.

Thanks for bearing with me here! I hope you enjoy the story!

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