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"My parents. They have no idea what they did. What has all happened." My heart is in my stomach, plunged there like a stone. It's been only hours since we were freed of Hawkmoth and Lila's reigns and the aftermath is already churning like bitter poison within me. 

"Milady, you need to rest. We both have much to catch ourselves up on." I look down, the thoughts that have been jumbling around within my skull. "My parents, your brother, Allegra, Claude, Allan, none of them know. What do we do?" Felix lays his hands on my shoulders, his expression concerned, as if my worrying is concerning to him.

"We have a lot of things we need to finish before this war is really over Milady. But you are going to bring yourself harm if you continue panicking like this. Take a deep breath for me." I nod, taking a shaky breath as I lay my head on his chest in an embrace he returns without hesitation. His heartbeat calms me, his own breathing allowing me to match his. 








His hand stroking my loose hair brings comfort, a gentle touch that reminds me that my Chaton is here, safe, and we are together now. 

"There we go Little Bug. Well done." I nod, and then knocking is at the door to our adjoining dorms. I peer up at Felix, who looks down at me, studying me. I nod at him, retracting from our hug, allowing him to open the door. 

"Girl? You in here?" The English accent causes me to relax. Allegra. 

"Legs! Let the rest of us see the lovebirds huh?" Claude, only Claude would have the guts to call Allegra that nickname.

"Felix, are you and Marinette alright?" Allan. I smirk at the doorway, where I know Felix and the others are. No doubt Felix is groaning internally at them for ruining the moment. "I'm in here guys!" 

That's when I get attacked. 

Three massive bodies come at me at once and instantly, I'm back at the fight. All those awful shadow-like humanoid figures. All soldiers attacking me and my partner. I swing my body, using my legs as weapons, knocking my attackers to the ground.

"Ooooouuuuuccccccchhhhhh. Marinette, what's going on here? Come on!" Felix is pulling me away, and I'm back to reality. There aren't any shadows. No one is attacking us. No one wants us dead.

It's just Allegra, Claude, and Allan. All lying in a tangled heap on the floor. My heart drops to my feet. Once again, I'm hurting the people I care about in a fit of PTSD. "I'm so sorry! Are you guys, okay?" They all get up slowly, dusting themselves off. Claude rubs his head before looking at me, more cautiously than before.

"I never thought that sweet, bubbly Marinette would have such badass fighting skills! Awesome! But why did you attack us? We aren't going to hurt you, we're your friends." Felix looks angry, his hypnotizing eyes flared with a fire that I'm not used to seeing except for when I'm in danger. A deep growl reverberates in his chest, and I only hear it being so close to him. I hope it isn't within hearing range of them.

"You three approached her far too quickly, she has been through more than you know, so at least think before you leap." He isn't yelling, but the rage is true within his words. Felix has always been the quiet power, seeing raising his voice as unnecessary. He is the same way as when he's in the suit. 

"Felix, did you just growl at us?" Allan's voice, almost scared sounding, brings me back from my thoughts. Oh no. But before we can say anything in our defense, my phone rings, an unknown number on it. I pick it up, placing the phone on my ear. "Hello?"

"MARINETTE! YOU NEED TO COME BACK TO FRANCIS DUPONT NOW!" I have to take the phone away to prevent hearing damage from the sheer volume, but I know this voice. How could I not? The tone, reverberation, everything has been memorized in my head ever since the day we met back at my old school turned hell hole. I focus on Felix, knowing he'll recognize it too. His eyes prove everything, his guarded expression matching the conflicting worry in his eyes.

The caller is Adrien Agreste.

Trust Takes Moments to Break, But Time to CreateWhere stories live. Discover now