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"We are sending you to a boarding school on the other side of Paris." I am not surprised, and somewhat relieved. I've had enough for the brainwashed class of mine for a lifetime. "W-when do I leave Mother?" 

"In an hour, get packed Marinette." My eyes widen and I dart upstairs, Tikki coming out as soon as the door closes behind us. 

"Don't worry Mare! This could be the fresh start you need! Don't let all the negativity get to you! Cat Noir, myself, and all the other kwamis are behind you!" I smile at my best friend. "Thanks Tikki, I needed that." After grabbing my suitcase, I begin rushing things into order. Grabbing all my folded clothes and folding clothes that were hung up, grabbing this and that. While frantically working, my mind wanders. After all the lies and the outbursts between me and my parents, I stepped away from them, started calling them Mother and Father, little things like that which add to the wedge in our relationship. Maybe, at this new school, I could make some new friends! 

"Ladybug?" I look over to see Wayzz giving me a concerned look. "Yes Wayzz?" 

"Are you alright? You are pale and in deep thought." I nod. "Yeah, I am just nervous about this new boarding school. If I have a roommate, how am I going to communicate with you and the other kwamis?" Tikki and Wayzz smile at me. 

"It's alright Marinette! I've had a Ladybug who had no permanent home and kwamis were signs of witchcraft, and all other kwamis have had similar issues with their previous holders over the centuries. Me and Wayzz can give updates inside the Miracle Box for you! Everything will be fine!" This sets some of my worries at ease. "Thanks Tikki. At least I'll be away from those who betrayed me." Wayzz nods in agreement. "I will let the other kwamis know in the Miracle Box about the update of our moving location and new requirements for future references." I nod and he flies inside the jewelry box/diary. 

I quickly grab my sketchbook and put it in my backpack along with other schoolbooks incase I need them for references. Placing all my toiletries and my makeup bag and place it inside my suitcase. Then I put away all my needles and thread. I sigh, remembering the makeup I've worn more quite recently. It hides the marks I get from being bullied at school since everyone believes Lila. I look around for anything else. My grandmother's sewing machine that was passed down to me. Once I've picked it up, I hear Father's voice calling out.

"Marinette! The bus is waiting for you!" Bus? They don't even have the time to drive me? I guess I'm not surprised. "I'm coming!" Once I'm leaving, I look back to find both of my parents working at the bakery. They aren't even going to say goodbye. I push back all tears coming up and rush into the bus that has the name of my new school on it. I study the name quickly. Doue des Arts. The name doesn't sink in until I'm sitting in the back of the bus. Doue des Arts is the rival school of Francis Dupont. It's a prestigious school of the fine and business arts. the school must have given me a letter inviting me to their school. I have no idea how though, but this might be my ticket to becoming a fashion designer. 

For the brief sadness that overcame me from my parents loss of caring for me leaving for a boarding school on the other side of the city. I let myself shed one tear. One tear for them. One tear for the two parents who believed a liar over their own daughter. After that, I force myself to think of the positivity in the situation. I am going to a prestigious school of the arts that could be my ticket to becoming my dream career in the fashion design industry as a fashion  designer, I am away from the sheep who believe the wolf in lamb's clothing, and I can make new friends at this new school where no one knows about the rumors spread by Lila.

"I'm free." I allow myself a smile. I take out my phone and pick out a playlist of Jagged Stone and get myself lost in the rock music. After a while, I feel the bus stop so I take my earbuds out to see the looming mansion of a school. I am officially intimidated. It looks kinda like the Agreste Mansion since it is on the edge of Paris and secluded from the rest of the city of love. Once getting off, I find a woman in a black business suit, deciding I have no other ideas, I walk over to her. "Hello, I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and I am a new student here. Do you know where I should go?" The woman gives a small smile. 

"Yes, I am the dean here at Doue des Arts. My name is Juliette Allard, and I have been waiting for you Miss Dupain-Cheng. Please follow me to your dormitory." Following her, I realize that there is all the students are wearing what seem to be formal attire that adults would wear for their workday. "Is there a dress code here? It seems all the students are wearing such formal clothing." 

"Here at Doue des Arts, our teachings are as if you were on a job for your career in the art that you are gifted in. For you, in fashion, you'll be tested by your peers and watched by your teachers to see how gifted you are, then placed into a 'job' that suits your abilities. The more you excel, you will be 'promoted' to the next job." I nod. 

"Here is your dormitory, you will be with a roommate, as this is the only room left in the fashion and business area, you were lucky to join our school at this time. I will introduce you two." I nod, and she knocks on the door. 

"Coming in a moment!" My eyes widen at the male sound to the voice. The door is opened by a guy my age wearing a completely black suit. He has blonde hair slightly slicked back, blue eyes, and the same pale skin as mine, although he is taller than me. He looks almost like Adrien. His eyes widen at me. 

"Mrs. Allard, who is this?" 

"Mr. Agreste, this is Miss Dupain-Cheng, she will be your roommate for the time being. She is our newest student in the fashion industry, and will be joining you tomorrow for her entrance exam. I will expect you to help her prepare for her classes tomorrow." Agreste? I remember now. Adrien has a twin brother whose ten minutes or something older than him. Felix Agreste, this must be him. Great. I thought leaving Francis Dupont would get me away from the Agreste family, but I guess I was wrong. 

"Understood. Come in Miss Dupain-Cheng." I nod silently and come inside to my jaw nearly dropping at the size of the room. It wasn't the exact dorm with his belongings, but there was a jack in jill bathroom, and connected to it, seemed to be my dorm. Walking to the connected dorm, I see it's empty and place my sewing machine onto the desk. Felix walks inside with Juliette. 

"I will leave you two. Mr. Agreste, I expect you assisting Miss Dupain-Cheng here tomorrow morning. Goodnight." With that, she leaves me and Felix alone in my dorm. 


Well this is awkward.

Trust Takes Moments to Break, But Time to CreateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz