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"Because, as much as I cannot understand who you are now, I don't want you dead." His words echo through my brain over and over, picking at the phrase as we walk together. Felix squeezes my hand, a gesture that should comfort me, but just worries me more. He notices. Of course, he notices. 

"Milady, you're tense. I can practically feel your anxiety radiating from you. Tell me love, please." I give a halfhearted smile, the sunglasses annoyingly taking away from the view of my Kitty. "Adrien." His look of concern is replaced with one of irritation, a low growl escaping his lips. 

"What about him?" I smirk. "Are you jealous Kitty?" His face darkens in a blush, turning his head away from me, consequently causing laughter to spill out. 

"Cats are very territorial Bug. You know that." It's true. If guys catcalled me as Ladybug in the past, Cat Noir would hiss at them or growl or at least glare at them with that stony cold glare that only Felix can do. But I never thought I would see that trait in civilian form. Not that I can argue on that part. I have gotten ladybug traits myself after using the miraculous for so long. That's when I notice a crow flying directly towards us, causing me to shriek in fright, also scaring the bird away. 

Felix stares at me, his mouth dropped open, before clutching his stomach and keeling over in laughter. Now my face is a tomato from embarrassment. "It's not funny!" His laughter has died down a little, but it still isn't going away completely as tears are escaping his eyes. Once he collects himself and breathes a bit, before speaking. 

"Bugaboo, that, that was, that was a sight for sore eyes." My eyes widen as I look around swiftly, checking for other people surrounding us. All I see is an elderly couple on a bench, all the other people are too far away from hearing range. Then his words actually register, and I turn back to him, my stern 'Ladybug Scolding' look emerges. "Don't call me that, especially here! Someone could have heard you!" He kisses my temple, chuckling lowly under his breath. "Look at us, arguing once more like a married couple." 

His grin at my words, at the thought, brings warmth into my cheeks once again. Sugar and cookies, this alley cat gives me a run for my money. 

"Now, what were you saying about my illusioned twin brother?" My mind reels into the original topic of discussion. "His words. What he said before he left? I don't know, but they kind of hit me, I guess. I mean, I knew him for a long time. Not as long as my other form classmates, but he was the one who lasted the longest on my side regardless. Even if he was wrong on the advice he gave, he still is the only one who doesn't want me dead. I don't know why, but I feel guilty, almost? Does that make sense?"

He cocks his head, thinking about the topic. "I understand the feeling, the same emotions came to me once I left Adrien and Father. However, he still treated you wrongly. He may not have completely betrayed you like the rest of the flock of those sheep, but he still took away the trust you had for him due to not helping you. That is still quite a toxic relationship if you had pursued it." 

"I know that you are correct, and I definitely don't agree with what he did. I don't trust him, but I still feel bad." Pulling his arm around me shoulders, I can see the smirk on his face. 

"Well, we can always set him up with someone. I'm sure Chloe Bourgeois is available." I snicker, smirking back. "I'm sure Adrikins wouldn't bee too pleased about that one." His eyebrows shoot up just as I groan at the realization. My face heats up instantly, and in order to save what is left of my dignity, I flee. The sound of a cheerful voice is the last thing I hear before I'm out of range.

"The love of my life just made a pun! This is a blessed day!" 

Trust Takes Moments to Break, But Time to CreateWhere stories live. Discover now