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Lila won after all. She successfully used expert photoshop, makeup, fake evidence, and her ability to deceive to turn everyone against me. All except for Tikki, the other kwamis, and my partner Cat Noir. But I guess she did me a favor. She showed me who my true friends were. She also showed me that Adrien is nothing more than a spineless coward who always wants the high road. Tikki and the other kwamis have become my family since my parents believe all the lies spread around. They often just give me the cold shoulder or glares of disappointment nowadays. The day Papa yelled at me for the first time was the day I truly outcasted myself from them. I built up mental wards without realizing it. The only protection from akumatization and from ever needing them again. That day was only a week ago. Today was worse. 

Cat Noir became so much more than just my partner in justice. He became my best friend. My confidant. Someone I could speak opinions I could never voice to anyone as Marinette. These precious beings are the only ones who I have trust left with. The only people who can get me to smile genuinely without hesitation. I look up at the sunset and notice the dark figure dancing on top of the rooftops of buildings and stand on my balcony. Tikki comes out, hovering next to me, her warm smile making the broken strands of my heart close up temporarily. 

"You know the words Mare." 

"Tikki, spots on!" I feel the rush of the magical light envelope me, transforming me into the one person where I can be somewhat a part of myself. Somewhat free from the mess my life has become. I take my yoyo, and fling myself onto the roofs. When I see the Eiffel Tower, my muscles relax slightly. 

"Hello M'lady." Cat Noir smirks, which I don't hesitate to return now. "Hey Kitty. How are you?" He smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes. 

"I'm quite alright, but are you okay?" I laugh, shrugging, trying desperately to push away the events from earlier during school and right afterwards. "I'm fine." Cat Noir sighs. 

"You're lying." I look away, my hand clutching my upper forearm on its own, a bad habit that happens due to anxiety. It shows most when I'm insecure, upset, or nervous. I hear footsteps and then a gloved clawed finger on my chin, asking me to look him in the eyes.I let him lift my chin so we make eye contact. His eyes are a bluish gray that are almost hypnotic or something. 

"What happened?" I break the stare, looking out to the city, walking over to the edge of the Eiffel Tower and sitting down, letting my legs and feet dangle. "I am just stressed Chaton. I've been better, but I'm fine." 

"Is this about your duties as Guardian of the Miraculous?" I look over to him standing behind me, the back at the city, slightly cringing. "Partially, and problems with my civilian life." 

"I see."

"Umm. Chaton?"


"You-you'll always be by my side, right?" I could hear Cat Noir's breath hitch before I can feel his hand on my shoulder. I stiffen, wincing from the phantom pains of the earlier events of the day, and his hand falls away. The air is tense around us, and it's my fault. Why can't I do anything right?

"You know better than anyone that I do not betray those who deserve my trust. We have kept each other alive while attempting to take down Hawkmoth. Now, will you tell me what happened Ladybug? You do not act this way on a normal basis." I chuckle dryly. "I can never keep things from you huh Kitty?" 

"No you cannot. Now out with it." I sigh. I tend to forget how blunt Cat Noir can be. He speaks more posh than the average person, but he is also a real flirty goofball and a good listener. He is serious when necessary. He's a great partner, and I'm very thankful for his loyalty. "I just was shown who I can trust. No one besides you and the kwamis. I can't trust anyone else. Not anymore." 

"What made you come to such a drastic conclusion so quickly?" I feel my muscles stiffening. The angry words of my ex-friends and parents fill my mind and out of self-preservation, I push them away. I don't want to her them. Not now. 

"The secret dangers of being backstabbed by a liar." 

"I'm assuming the fault of the lies that were spread by this individual?" 

"Yep. Even my own parents have fallen for them. Today, my mother yelled at me, saying I was a dishonor to our family. I assume you know already I'm of asian heritage."


"My mother moved here from China. I was taught her culture, and being a dishonor to your family, is one of the worst insults to be given since family is so sacred to Chinese culture." 

"I'm aware Ladybug, I've been taught Mandarin as a second language." I look at him wide-eyed. 

"You speak Mandarin?" He nods, smirking, then speaks in the language I have come to love. In my head, the words instantly translate to "I don't want you to go through this." I smile, thanking him for being the last trustworthy human in my life, and look back at the city of love. He begins to speak in French again. 

"What are you going to do now Ladybug. I have observed that your expression proves that you are concocting up some sort of plan." 

"I'm just wondering of any way to escape more often. Being Ladybug is my only escape and I'm still drowning in my civilian life. With the next lie, I'll be most likely kicked out. I need somewhere to go, so I was trying to come up with ideas."

"How are you so certain the liar will continue?" I laugh dryly. "Because it is in her nature. She hates me, so she does what she is best at. Lying her way into others good graces at my expenses. After all, it has been working. Why not continue if it gets her what she wants?" Cat Noir is quiet for a moment, and his next words seem to be a mutter. 

"Why has she targeted you of all people?" I look at him, his bluish gray eyes watching me with concern. Concern that is guarded. "I'm the only one who can see through her deception and is willing to do something about it. Unfortunately, the only other person in my civilian life who recognizes the lies only wishes to take the high road, not wanting to be the fault if the liar gets akumatized." Cat Noir scoffs. 

"Coward." I laugh out loud and nod, which makes him watch me, his expression shocked in a way. "A spineless one indeed Chaton. A spineless one indeed." Cat Noir laughs. I smile at the sound. It always makes me smile. Maybe it's because it is always full of life. All I know, is that I'm so grateful for his presence. After all of today's events, he's made me forget them. For now.

Trust Takes Moments to Break, But Time to CreateWhere stories live. Discover now