He grabbed onto the holotable to brace himself, narrowly avoiding a fall to the floor.

"Status report!" He barked out as the bridge crew all scrambled back to their stations. Doing an amazing job of focusing on the situation at hand.

One of the more senior members turned to him. "Sir, rebel longswords made a strafing run on the engines. CIWS tried their best, but several missiles hit the starboard engines! We're running on less than half thrust, engineering is trying to stop the reactor in their section from going critical."

Shit, that wasn't good. They were effectively a turtle in space now with their limited thrust. The only saving grace being that the rebels were on their last legs. Less than a half dozen ships left to fight. 

But there was only one giant, 2.5 kilometer problem. The stolen Orion class carrier was unleashing a storm of tungsten and missiles. Two of the unknown type of frigates had to pull back from the barrage, with one having an entire engine pod destroyed.

They both disappeared into slipspace portals, presumably back to earth.

A message then came from one of their new crew members. Fluorite had flooded the damaged reactor with coolant and with the help of anders had restored 20% power to it. He could work with that.

He then watched as the four remaining Paris class frigates of the rebels gathered around the Orion. Seemingly preparing for a final attack.

"Captain, detecting power building in all enemy ships! Their charging MAC guns!" The officer said with fear in her voice was clear. He had out his faith in the Spirit of Fire countless times. But he knew the old ship wouldn't survive another MAC. Especially not a carrier grade one.

He then got a ping from the holotable, allied ships were moving alongside the Spirit. He zoomed in on the 3 dimensional model and smirked as he saw the heavy unknown cruisers orient themselves on either side of him. All three of the large ships were battered, even though the cruisers had shields. 

He guessed the shields had gone down though, because there were dozens of impact craters in the hull plates and gouges of light MAC rounds and missiles from where the thick plates protected the ships. But there were also areas where the armor failed and fires raged across their hulls.

But there they all were, ready to lay down their lives for humanity and take the opportunity to down that carrier.

"What's the status of the MAC guns!" Cutter asked with a hidden rage as the two sides seemed to stare at each other as their weapons charged. They were exhausted of missiles and their deck guns didn't have the firepower to breach carrier armor.

"MAC batteries are being repaired, Rhodonite says the capacitors are fully charged, but the power cables were severed from shrapnel. It will be fixed within a few minutes." Said another officer.

Cutter cursed under his breath. They needed to get those MACs online. That carrier was a half million klicks away and closing. If it bared its full might, they were finished.

It was then that a heavy beam of ruby photons raced through space to his right. While two smaller streams of similar photons came from the left. The lasers each hit a frigate. Burning through Titanium A like a hot knife. He watched as two of the rebel frigates were sliced to pieces. Their reactors then went critical and turned them into two small nova's.

He watched the heavy Frigate and destroyer of still unknown classes retreat behind them as fires raged across their hulls. They had let out one last volkey into the enemy before turning around to limp home.

The final two frigates were dealt with by a few brave Sabre pilots who attacked them. A few were shot down from CIWS fire, but their shields were strong, the golden barriers letting most of the pilots get their missiles to their targets.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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