Before Reset p2

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The next day arrived, as y/n waits in his depowered state for her, or them if shes dumb enough to include their friends.

Why depowered?

To relax for a few seconds.

Closing his eyes for a second, making him zoned out.

As he relived the same day that his parents was killed.

The door opens to his parents bringing in some groceries, only to be vaporized right in front of him. As the fire was not yet close.

Y/n relived his parents death, for 2 years straight. Eventually the concept of death and being alone became the norm for him. As he accepted it for what it is, a part of life. Though he was still happy for being adopted.

Though after reading that books from that library, he finds it funny that, it somehow described in perfect details, from what happened that day.

Though after meeting origami, he just laughed.

Funny really. The one who made me who I am, is the one who tries prevent the very same thing from happening. Y/n thought, as he laughs outload.

Haru and Kuroka could only stare at the laughing Tobi.

His laughter stopped, as he stared at the giant door of the warehouse. As Haru and Kuroka looked weirdly at him. Only be put in the kamui dimension.

Though instead of using the door, they burst through the roof as they did a superhero landing. As the smoke clears, y/n saw Mika in base as she wears only the one piece part of the AST suit, and the trio with full anti spirit suit branded by Ratatoskr.

"Oh how adorable. Little children copying their mother." Y/n commented. Staring at Mika.

As the four of them stared daggers at him.

"Where are they!?" Mika demands.

The masked man didn't answer. Mika nods to the trio, as they took their place. Ai on his left, Mai on his right, Mii on the back, and finally Mika infront.

Mika nods again, as they all charged at the Tobi wannabe. Not accounting for his no-clip cheat.

Though instead of dodging, the tobi wanna be just teleported the trio in his kamui dimension. Leaving only her, and the masked man in a 1v1.

Mika could only stare, frozen in place. Upon seeing them disappear.

Furious. She transformed to super saiyan believing it is enough to beat him into a pulp, and be able to still use kamui to bring them back.

She started to fly around him, using the trail of her aura to confuse him. Using instant transmission, she teleports above him as she delivers an axe kick. Utilizing the built-up momentum, aimed at the back of the head.

Only for her kick to be stopped by a palm.

"Y'know, zero multiplied by fifty is still zero." The tobi wannabe states, as he grabbed her ankle and slammed her to the ground. Making it crack.

"Are you even trying? Are you even angry that I took them?"
The tobi wannabe asked, as he made her stick on the wall.

"Because you don't seem like it." Tobi wannabe continued.

Mika looked at the Tobi wannabe in anger, as she tried to power up. Only to be stopped by him as he continued to throw her again to another wall.

"Nuh uh uh~ You had your chance earlier to go all-out, but you wasted it." He approached her again, and continued

"That's what you get for being cocky." The Tobi wannabe smugly said as he throws her again in another wall, with no chance of powering up.

As the Tobi wannabe keeps the Saiyan at bay, the trio, Kuroka, and Haru were trying to think of a way out. Until they saw a ki-blast entered, then exit at the same time.

Giving Haru the idea to take the risk to use the entrance, and exit points of the ki-blast vortex. Though this will only work if they timed it correctly.

As the battle continued, with Mika at the disadvantage because of the constant interruption for her transformation and technique.

Utilizing her tail and grabbing his wrist, she threw him away to give her some time to transform. Mika threw the tobi wannabe as hard as she can, disappearing in a vortex.

Y/n created an exit vortex, opening right behind Mika. This was also utilized by the five to exit the dimension.

Utilizing the momentum Mika gave him, the tobi wannabe grabbed the back of her head, and slammed her face on the ground.

"Well, atleast you have a higher power level than your parents." The tobi a wannabe comments.

"Who has a power level of negative six feet, I believe."
The Tobi wannabe continued, as he dodge the attacks of the trio.

The trio attacked him once again, giving Mika the opportunity to transform. As they distract him with their attacks.

Ai charged at him with a laser blade called <no pain>. Ai goes to slice his neck, but for him to only duck to her attack, and quickly grabbed <no pain> as he kicks her away, and sliced the bullet from <C C C> in half from Mii.

The Tobi wannabe noticed the third one. As Mai sends missiles to him. Only for him to absorb it with vortex, as he opens one again behind all three of them.

But was slowed to a stop by Kuroka, who quickly glared at the Tobi wannabe.

"Are you just gonna stay down there, and let me take away your loved ones, once again?" 
The Tobi wannabe asked at the kneeling exhausted Mika. Utilizing the ultimate defense, a villains monologue.

"W-what do you mean, by again?!"
Mika shouts.

"It was me. I'm the one who sent that beam of light at your parents!"
The Tobi wannabe announced.

Mika asked as she stands up.

"Simply. Why not?"
The Tobi wannabe answered, with enthusiasm.

"Why are you so angry? Could it be that you actually didn't moved on afterall all of those years?"
He asked.

"Or could it be that you only see you "friends" as a distraction. Distracting your you from your, so teragic past."

"I'm not doing this for the past. I'm doing this to preserve the future of my family! And Friends!!"
Mika announced her noble goal as she powered up to blue.

Ew. Cringe. So noble goal. Y/n thought.

She quickly powered up to blue, and charged at him. As she tries to attack him with powerful attacks, all the attacks went through.

Though what she didn't expect, was for him to grab her tail, while off guard. As her strength is began to be drained, the tighter his grip become.

"Congratulations. You have the world record for fastest goal failure."  Tobi announced. Before leaving.

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