A puppeteers "hero"

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As y/n was walking on the sidewalk towards his highschool. Not before giving his sister a goodbye kiss on the cheek as a remedy to recover from the trauma she suffered,she said.

Y/n walk passed a girl with blue hair and a puppet on her right hand.Not before stopping and taking a look at the girl, and said.

Not before stopping and taking a look at the girl, and said

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Y/n: 'Looks like it's her time, to shine.

As y/n arrive at his classroom bare acknowledge because of him hiding most of his presence in people's consciousness.Though it works well on strangers but not some of his classmates this includes Shiori,origami, Tohka , Tama-chan sensei and the trio.

After some time, they're finally get to go home. As y/n was about to leave, he is suddenly approached by origami and want to talk privately.

This made the whole class confused, because of his classmates acknowledged him as a closet pervert. Because of his eyes.

This made the boys finally acknowledge his presence and started to construct a conclusion that y/n was being confess by the super genius Origami Tobiichi.

But the most was Shiori, because origami only ask for this kind of things if she needed something.

Though this made Tohka shrug and just continue to do what she was doing. As both left the classroom being followed by eavesdroppers.

Y/n: "So why do you wanna talk to me in private."

Origami: "Not here there may be eavesdroppers."

As then the eavesdroppers started to bicker in "whisper" to each other for being too loud, as they the spotted us staring at them and started to apologize then left.

Y/n: "Now they're gone, what is it you want to ask me."

Origami: "After school"

Y/n: "Why?!"

Origami: "Because there might be more, we don't see."

Y/n: "That's highly unlikely."

Origami: "..."

As they both both heard sneezes.

Y/n: ' That actually works!? '

Y/n: "Fine atleast let's go to a cafe."

Origami: "Ok"

As they're far enoyght from the school he then ask once again.

Y/n: "Why do you want to talk to me?"

Origami: "To ask a question."

Y/n: "Why didn't you just ask me during lunch."

Origami: "I can't find you during lunch."

Y/n: "Fair point"

Y/n: "So, whats your question?"

Origami: "How do I make someone my friend?"

Y/N's Journey to a "Normal life" in Date a LiveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ