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Shiori woke up in the infirmary room within Ratatoskr, she got up quickly to go check on her imouto if she's fine.

She made her way to the control room to look but, she wasn't there. She then asks Reine on where is Kotori.

"Can you tell me where is Kotori, Reine-san?" Shiori ask Reine.

"If you want to know her status, The commander is fine but, I don't know if she wants to see you." Reine replied tiredly.

"Please Reine-san, take me to Kotori!" Shiori pleaded.

After some time, Reine finally agreed and guided her on where Kotori is staying.

As Shiori entered, and saw Kotori just sitting, and eating a lollipop. Not really paying attention to her surroundings.

"Kotori." Shiori called out to her

Kotori looked at Shiori and smiled

"Yes?" Kotori ask with a smile

Shiori looked at her smile..... It was a fake smile, she knows it. It hurts her to see her imouto put-up a tough front, she knows something is bothering her, so she ask again.

"Kotori, are you really fine?" She ask firmly.

"Yes sis, I'm fine." Kotori replied again with a lie.

"Kotori." Shiori replied implying that she knows it's a fake smile.

"Fine. I-i-im not fine" Kotori replied timidly.

"Is it about, you losing control?" Shiori ask knowing the answer.

"Yes." Kotori replied with a bit of despair.

"Look, everything's fine. You didn't hurt anyone." Shiori replied ignoring the fact that she almost got hut.

"But I almost lost you, and it's because of me." Kotori replied sadly

"It's fiiine, look I'm still living" Shiori replied trying to calm down her imouto.

"IT'S NOT FINE!!" Kotori shouts angryly at her sister shrugging off, nearly being killed by her hands.

After realizing her outburst, she apologize.

"I'm sorry...just....leave me alone." Kotori said weakly.

Shiori then started to leave her alone, realizing she needs space to calm down. But before leaving, she gave her some advice.

"Don't be too hard on yourself, okay?" Shiori requested from Kotori.

"Okay nee-san." Kotori replied back.

Then Shiori closed the door, and asked Reine to teleport her home.


Some time have passed Shiori then goes to visit her sister but was denied by the hospital staff, so she just visited Origami.

As she entered Origamis room, her eyes meets Origami's gaze, probably looking to see who visited her.

"Origami, how are you doing?" Shiori asked with concern.

"I've been fine now, thanks for asking." Origami answers with a genuine smile.

Shiori sighed in relief as she saw Origami doing well, they started to chat to catch up on each other like friends.


Y/n was in the house making lunch, while his big sister Haru and jigglypuff the small kitten he found that is now officially part of the family.

"So Haru nee-san, why did you named it jigglypuff?" Y/n asked with pure curiosity.

"Because she has a cute and mesmerizing eyes." She answered.

Y/N's Journey to a "Normal life" in Date a LiveWhere stories live. Discover now