Something in the way

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Y/n, was on his way to school on an empty street. Until he heard footsteps that sounded like running. Y/n looked at his watch, to was still early. Impossible for anyone to be running late by now.

Y/n seeing the intersection. He deduced that if he continued at his current pace, hell bump to the person who's currently running.

As he made it to the intersection, the person was about to bump onto him. But instead of making any contact, she went through him. Luckily for him, her eyes were closed.Y/n stopped, and got a better looked of her.

To see that she shares a resemblance to Mayuri.

'No. It can't be.'

'I thought she was non-canon.'

Y/n states in his mind.

"Mayuri" opened her eyes to see a student like her, staring down at her with a menacing gaze. Making her unable to move or say anything. The student then made eye-contact at her

Y/n took a closer look at her eyes, to see the lack of the glow effect. Y/n sighs in relief, and began to walk away.

The student then began to walk away, not saying anything. As "Mayuri" stared in this belief, with the lack of politeness he showed.

"Mayuri" got up, as she began to run towards the school again, not really knowing the time. As she finally made it to her highschool, she looked at the clock. To see it was still early, and was infact not late.

As she finally realized her mistake, she concluded that hes probably mad at her, due to the stare he gave her. Though it doesn't excuse the fact, that he didn't help her. She'll probably get an apology, if she apologized. And probably get a boyfriend as well.

She laugh in her mind, as she lives her fantasies (y/n:delusions).

Y/n made it to school, as he contemplates the existence of "Mayuri" as she was non-canon. Afterall he watched the movie that came from some websites he found, wierdly enough the owner was the same name of the librarian.

Y/n was walking through the campus, until he spotted a "Shiori" with green hair, smirking. Making it through the halls on the way to his classroom, he saw the green head shiori running through the hallways harrasing the female students.

As y/n looked back at the general direction onto his classroom, until "Shiori" collides on his back. He turned around, and look down.

"Watch where you stopping, you brick wall."

Shiori spoke, as she looks up to meet y/n's menacing gaze. The piercing grey colour of his eyes, sends a chill down her spine.
As he spoke.

"Are you really that weak?"

"Or acting like a child earlier, really turned you into one."

"I'll pray for your recovery later."

"You'll need it."

As y/n then left, continuing to walk towards his classroom.

"Shiori" got up and started to follow him towards there classroom. Still continuing to do her earlier childish actions, not really taking him seriously.

Y/n spotted Mai and Mii outside of the classroom. As "Shiori" ran pass him, and flipped up their skirt embarrassing them.

"Kyaaaa! Y/n! Control your girlfriend!" Screamed, Mai

"This is so lame!" Screamed, Mii

Y/n looked at them, and ignored them. As he enters the classroom. But was cut-off by Ai coming out of the classroom going to "Shiori", to confront her about the situation.

Y/N's Journey to a "Normal life" in Date a LiveWhere stories live. Discover now