The twin tsundere typhoons

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As y/n was sitting quietly looking out the window to see the beautiful scenery of the island, as he thought about what he should do since he doesn't have a goal as of now.

Though the twin idiots will show up in this arc, he doesn't really care. Why? Obviously because he has his own problems to deal with. The first of it is breaking the limit of his Artificial Chakra Points.

The problem with it, is his own body's limits to hold Artificial Chakra Reserves, with the limit of only a chunnin at peak condition.

He concluded that his body is different from the body of that of a normal Shinobi in Naruto. Since afterall their body has generations to adapt to the chakra that is within there bodies.

Though some are unable to use it, it might be because some of their ancestors never used chakra in excessive ways hence not being able to do jutsus. Effectively limiting them in using chakra in non-excessively for generations.

Then y/n just continues to look at the scenery when they landed.While thinking of different ways to solve his own issue. As he then decided "It's a future me problem" accidentally saying it outload for someone to hear.

Sussy Photographer: "What is?"

"Nothing, but who are you again?" Y/n answered with a question.

"You can just call me ellen-san,and I'm the photographer." She reintroduces herself, again.

"A photographer?! Oh sorry, I thought you were something else. Since the photos you took looks like it was taken by 3 year-olds." Y/n "apologized"

Ellen was embarrassed, and looked at the photos on her camera. Further solidifying that she is sus to y/n. Who already knows, and was just messing with her.

Though Tama-sensei showed up who heard y/n's apology, and tried apologized to Ellen repeatedly. As she then forced y/n to apologize to Ellen.

"Y/n, apologize properly!" Tama-sensei, commanded y/n.

"I'm so sorry......for my honesty that your pictures are terrible, and for the fact that you only got this job,because of your looks." Y/n apologized with positives, and negatives.

Tama-sensei apologized multiple times again to Ellen for her student. She told y/n to go to the group of students for instructions. As she just stands there, hearing the laughs of her comrades that's in the ship.

Ai: "Poor Ellen-san, Tohka, and Origami."

Mai: " Good thing we kept the cat thing to ourselves. We don't know if he let us see him like that and is plotting something."

Mii: " Agreed"

Ai: "Mii, you're speaking more ,and more words than usual."

Mai: "Oh yeah why is that?"

Mii: "I don't wanna be next."


Origami was bragging about her window sit to Tohka until Tohka started to throw fit. Until y/n's intervention.

"Tohka Yatogami. Are you a child or a Highschooler?" Y/n asked in a obvious annoyed tone.

Tohka: "O-of-course I'm a Highschooler"

Y/n: "Wrong."

Y/n: "If you're a Highschooler, you would've just kept your mouth shut. Then again you do have a brain of a child.

As Tohka just kept quiet trying to prove y/n wrong.

Y/n: "And Origami, if your gonna brag something. Don't brag about achievable things, instead brag something that they'll never gonna get, Parents. Oh wait you don't have one either."

Y/n: "And if you try to argue back. Just look at my position. Im in the window sit, and I have parents. So, Keep your mouth shut."

~End of flashback~

Ai: "Agreed, he just crosses lines like it's just a drawing."

Mai: "He really has a sharp tongue."

Mii: "See, what I mean."

The students were gathered by their class group, and we're getting ready to tour the island. With the exception of Tohka and Shiori, who splitted away from the group.

Because Tohka was having a feeling of being watched, Shiori followed her. As Ellen was reporting, she was stopped by the trio who dragged her along their shinanigans on the way to the museum.

As the trio were complaining on how the museum is boring, they shut there mouth when y/n gave them a disgusted glare. Making them feel that they're being judged.

They reached the Arubi Island Museum, they were given the free time to explore a part of history that rested in Arubi Island.

Suddenly the weather turned a 180°, and made Tama-sensei worry about Shiori and Tohka, making her feel guilty on her clumsiness.

Y/n made a shadow clone within the forest part of the island to see how things will play out for Shiori.

As the tsundere twins stands opposite to each other making long monologues, and chuunibyou poses. But was stopped by Shiori. But something they said made "Tobi" nosebleed.

As kaguya smirks and suggested, "How about who can ''pleasure'' her better, gets to be the true Yamai."

Yuzuru: "Response. Yuzuru agrees."

Whe Shiori heard this, it made her face turn red, and starts to panic until. Reine gives her a word of comfort, "Good luck Shiori".

"Now this, I want to see" "Tobi" thought, and the popped himself.

This got back to y/n who's looking at a display, and starts to grow a blush while trying to hide a smile.

As Origami tries to convince Tama-sensei to let her find Shiori but was continuously denied saying it's dangerous. As then Shiori showed up with two new faces.

Meanwhile. As both Kuroka and Haru watched a show that has twins fighting over man.

Kuroka: "Is that masters situation?"

Haru: "Yes, but he's good at avoiding them. Seeing how he watched lots of cliche situations on a movie or anime."

Haru: "But not the twins situation, there's no way he'll find a twin."

Shiori was staying at the infirmary room to sleep in, so she could not infect the others if she has a cold or fever. Until Yuzuru and Kaguya showed up to see who's better at pleasuring.

As she was being undress but manage to escape with no clothes on, and opened the door but tripped and fell on top of Tama-sensei when she was gonna check on her.

Good thing the girls were loud in their pillow fights. Tama- sensei looked down to see Shiori breast which is bigger then her. As she whispered in a low tone "No fair".

They were a moment of awkward silence, until a click sound was heard that resembles a camera. As they looked around to look for the source, they saw y/n holding his phone with a mischievous.

"Well well well~" Y/n said with a mischievous grin.

Y/n: "I didn't know you were a pervert Shiori."

"N-no it's not what it looks like." Shiori and Tama-sensei, tried to explain.

As they threw all their hope in explaining and was just about to scream, but was stopped when they say y/n's finger in the upload button, and just kept their mouth shut.

Y/n: "How cute, you both can follow instructions very well~"

"Like a pet. But don't worry , this secret is safe with me. So continue on." Y/n finished, as he then left to go to the assigned room.

As then now Shiori felt embarrassed. While Tama-sensei was humiliated by something so accidental.

As y/n entered back to the room, forgetting his reason of getting out in the first place. He suddenly remembered and goes to make the girls room quiet. But he realized it's quiet now, and concluded that they're exhausted.

He then started to drift of to sleep.

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