A little bit of spice.

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Shiori drags Kotori around the amusement park, in their casual clothes.

Kotori: "Why are you dragging me around?!"

Shiori: "So we could find, more rides."

Kotori: "Why at the amusement park?"

Shiori: "Didn't I explained it, earlier? Your nee-chan, prefers amusement parks, more."

Kotori: "That's not an explanation! Give me a proper one!"

Shiori explains the amusement park, as the best place to take someone, on a date.

"Could it be, that you were afraid of the free-fall coster." Shiori said, teasingly.

As then, Kotori began to try and hit her sister. Realizing she couldn't. She decided to fight, fire with fire.

"So that's why you called y/n." Kotori said teasingly.

Taken aback, by Kotori's statement.

"Eh?! O-ofc-course no-" Shiori tried to reply, but was cut-off.

Kotori: "So you called y/n to “baby sit” you, huh~."

Shiori: "N-now hang o-"

"I didn't know my sister, was such a she-devil. Taking her crush's kindness, as a bridge to a relationship.~" Kotori states, with a mischievous grin.

As kannazuki fanboys, within Ratatoskr.

"T-that's n-not true" Shiori replied. Being redder, by the seconds.

While being embarrass, Shiori looked at the rollercoaster ride.

"H-how about, we go ride that next?" Shiori suggested, now a bit calmer. But still has a blush.

Kotori: "Hey, liste-"

"Could it be, that you're scared?" Shiori taunted.

Kotori: "Ofcourse no-"

Shiori: "Ehh, looks like we wouldn't get in, since you're short."

Kotori then looked at the height requirements.

Kotori: "Hey, I'm tall enough."

"Even if you're tall enough, I bet you'll just pee in fear."
Shiori said, while looking at her.

Kotori: "Hah?! Let's go then, let's see who will pee in fear, when we get there."

As the cart made its way to the top, as it prepared itself for the drop. Kotori turned to her sister, and said.

Kotori: "You tricked, me."

Shiori just looked at her sister, with a mischievous grin.
As it finally dropped, Shiori screamed with joy. While Kotori screamed with a sob.


As they finish the ride, Kotori proceeds to be mad at her sister, for tricking her. As they're being watched by Ratatoskr.

Kannazuki: "Are you sure, Shiori's gonna be all right?"

Reine: "This my actually work better on Kotori.

Reine: "Shiori is doing well."

A message flashes on the screen, stating "A Potential Rival Has Appeared". As one of the camera points at y/n.

"THE RIVAL HAS APPEARED, AND WHY DOES HE HAVE A SHARINGAN?!." Kannazuki exclaimed, while pointing at the screen that displays y/n.

Reine: "He's been messaged by Shiori, stating that 'Its an emergency.' "

Y/N's Journey to a "Normal life" in Date a LiveWhere stories live. Discover now