A new start?

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The sound of the spacequake alarm signaled the civilians to quickly evacuate, as this marks the start of the battle between Origami and the spirits.

Meanwhile Y/n was evacuating with the other civilians, as he waits for the opportunity to escape.

Tohka, Kaguya,Yzuru ,and Miku fought Origami, barely even scratching her. As the spirit trying to ask Origami about her reason, while Origami continues with assault.

Until Tohka went to her astral-dress form as she turned the table on Origami, after witnessing the other spirit passed out, hurt ,and exhausted.

Tohka and Origamis blade clashed in a blade lock, as they try to win the clash with brute force, trying to push each other into defeat.

Seeing that their blade locks were going nowhere due to their even strength, they try to out-maneuver each other to land a clean hit.

After another blade lock, they quick back away from each other as far as they can, as they began a staredown.

Origami charged first as she remembers the reason shes fighting for, until she suddenly felt her body becomes heavy,  giving Tohka the opportunity to strike, as she left her out of commission.

Origami could only look up at the sky, as she mourns and reminiscence on how many sacrifices she made, just to see her failed in an instant.

All those wasted efforts.

All those wasted time.

And the life she wasted, just so she could only fail.

If only she has more power.

As then a voice came, asking her if she wants power. The power to destroy any enemy Infront of her, the power that can help her reach her goal.

Origami accepted without hesitation.

A white crystal appeared Infront of her, and entered towards her chest. After gaining the power of a spirit, she went after her targets.

Tobi could only watch in silence as he watched the rematch between them. Not really caring, since they'll time travel later.

The shining moon arrived, as the sound of a spacequake alarm sounded through the city alerting everyone to evacuate.

Tobi looked at the window, and stared back at current gagged  Ellen and Westcott, who stared angrily at him as they were on their hands and knees.

Tobi turned off the vibrator, and left without any remarks. Tobi didn't do anything comedic today, he's just syared quietly the whole day.

He just did all that stuff to them earlier without saying anything, but stared.


Well it's not really a joyous day when you see the world you know, gets rewritten by a simple time-travel.

Y/n uses his kamui dimension and teleports near Haru and Kuroka, watching them hugging each other in the private space quake bunker.

Y/n entered the kamui dimension without any goodbye's, as
he awaits the inevitable.

Why not stay stay with them?

Simply put it, Y/n has the existance of a background character, thus unable to affect the main story even with excessive actions. While Haru Tonamachi has the equivalent presence to Hiroto Tonamachi.

Meanwhile Kuroka, was just left there for Haru.

And he wants to see if his kamui dimension exist outside of time and space.

After sleeping for a few hours, he finally exits the kamui dimension, and looks around this familiar yet unfamiliar world.

As he just sighed, before walking towards the crowded areas.

Y/N's Journey to a "Normal life" in Date a LiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora