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Shiori was currently in class, keeping to herself, as she looked and observe some new things around her.

As she looked around some more, she couldn't seem to find
Y/n  or Origami.

I wonder where they are? Shiori asked herself.

Until Tohka approaches her,
"Are you okay. Shiori?" Tohka asked, after noticing her spacing out.

"Y-yeah, don't worry." Shiori hesitantly answered.

Some time have passed, as a girl with Black hair sat in y/n's seat. A girl that similar to y/n's maid cosplay.

Why is Y/n cosplaying as a girl? Shiori asked herself, as she continued to look.

Wait a way.....could y/n be a girl?! Wait. Don't conjure up any conclusion yet. She told herself in her mind.

Shiori continued stare at her, as she asked herself.
How could y/n be a girl?!

Shiori's continues stare, made "y/n" turn to her, as she give Shiori a charming smile and turned away.

Ehhhhhhh?! What was that?! Shiori asked herself as she turned away with a red face.

Just as she finished her thought, the teacher arrived and started attendance.

As she finally heard her name.

"Mika Tonamachi."

As y/n walks through the street of his home, with his normal attire on. He was spotted by Haru, who just looked casually at him and greeted him.

Y/n just greeted back. Knowing that this is a different timeline, his old timeline is gone, disintegrated, and has a disease called non existent.

He would be lying, if he said he doesn't feel anything. It does hurt him to be left alone again. Though he also knows that the world is an unfair place. nostalgic. Y/n thought to himself, comparing it to the time before he got adopted by the Tonamachi household.

Though, he still need answers.

Haru entered her home after getting some sunlight, and greeting she assumed their new neighbor. As she then grabbed Kuroka and goes to Mika's room, and began to lay on  her bed and smell her pillow.

She was enjoying it, as Kuroka watched tiredly of her shenanigans. Until a vortex of sort, opened and took their attention.

As a man with orange mask appeared, surprising them both.

To-tobi?! Haru freaked out. "Wh-who are you?! You tobi wannabe!" Haru asked.

The man stayed quiet, as it went to the the bookshelf. Looking for something.

Panicking she sent Kuroka to attack the man. "Kuroka! Use tackle!!"

Kuroka's went through the Tobi wannabe, even though he was holding a book.

How is this possible?! He was holding a book! Haru thought in shock.

She continued to send Kuroka to attack him, even ordering to flash him at some point, but it didn't work. He was rummaging through the bookshelf.

Is he even a man?! Haru asked herself.

Until he finally stopped rummaging, as she look at the book that the man was holding.

It has no title. Only a cover.

Y/n read the diary learning fact that he's a girl in this timeline, and continued to read the almost similar history.

Like from her losing her biological parents, like he had.
Being adopted by the Tonamachi household and being care for, like he had.

Being able to be happy and be supported by the people around you, like he had. And the bonding moments she have with the Tonamachi household filling up the gaping hole of loneliness inside her, like he had.

Though her origins didn't matter to him, as he is only interested in her current and most recent event.

From her being told the existance of spirits from Shiori herself, but most of all. Her recieving the gift of a Saiyan genetics out of nowhere, with no catch.

Y/n closed the book, and look towards a crying Haru and Kuroka. Who seemed to have also read it.

Y/n sighed as he puts back the book, to where it belongs. As he left.

Y/n takes a sip from his coffe, as he uttered a phrase...

"Im Free."

Y/N's Journey to a "Normal life" in Date a LiveWhere stories live. Discover now