A Clichéious Time.

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As y/n was about to call the police,he was tackled to the ground by the mysterious ”cat-girl”.After his sister commanded "Kuroka use tackle."

He doesn't want to believe it, 'NO NO NO!! FIRST, THE SIPIRT, SECOND THE HAREM CURSE. NOW CAT-GIRLS?! WHATS NE-Wait cut that thought out. I'm not having this,maybe she's just cosplaying.' He said inside his mind, whilst on the ground.

As he then looked at the cat-girl, that looks just like.......
..kuroka,but smaller.'Im too tired for this.' he states in his mind.

As he then got up after placing the "cat-girl" on the ground, and states in a tired tone,"You know what, explain it to me tomorrow.Im tired." He started walking towards his room and lay on the bed after showering, as he then started to slumber.

Just as he close his eyes it opens again to the light, coming through his window from the sun. Just as he was about to move, he felt something. As he lift up blanket to see a more mature version of kuroka, sleeping.

Y/n: 'I guess the clock eye works, huh. Ahhh fork, I hope she doesn't have a screw loose in head....please.'

'Oh, this is gonna be entertaining.' Y/n states in an optimistic tone. Completely changing his mindset.

Afterall, life is too short to grieve. Yearning for the one you love, to love you back. It's okay to grieve once in a while, but if you do it your whole life. You will cease to live a happy one.

As y/n got out of bed to shower before making some breakfast, his sister walked out of her room for some breakfast as well. "So why are you trying to rape an underaged girl last night.?" Y/n asked.

In which his sister almost choked on her food, as she then composed herself. "I-I don't know what you're talking about." Haru replied.

Y/n: "Also, where is Jigglypuff?"

Haru: "Maybe she's outside, and it's Kuroka now."

Y/n: 'Very creative~' "Why?"

Haru: "Just a gut feeling."

Y/n: "Ok" 'Geez, I wonder why~'

"So why were you gonna rape an underaged girl last night?" Y/n asked again. As he gave her enough time to make a fake excuse.

With his sister remembering that he was tired last night, she replied. "Like I said, I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you just hallucinated that kuroka was an underaged girl."

Y/n: "Ohhh, so it was kuroka, so thats why she has cat-ears." '

As he finished his breakfast, ready to go out. With his sister asking ."Where are you going?"

Y/n: "Going out."

Haru: "Hmmmmmm~, who's the special someone?~"

Y/n: "Myself ofcourse, I'm gonna get myself some coffee."

His sister pouted and asked. "How about me?!"

Y/n: "Fine, I'll get you some chocky milk"

His sister still pouted stating "How about Kuroka?"

Y/n: "And, milk for Kuroka."

As his sister then smiled at him.

"You know, you act like a needy girlfriend." He states, making Haru blush. "Minus the sensual stuff, ofcourse." He added. "Welp. Imma go now, see ya later" He states before going to the front door and going out. "Why are you such a prick" Haru states in a low-tone before pouting, while still having a red face.

As she then stands up, and goes to look for Kuroka. She started with the pantry assuming kuroka took some food.
But she was not there. She ruled-out y/n's room, assuming it's locked. She looked at the bathroom assuming Kuroka is smart enough to use the toilet. Though she's disappointed to not find her there.

Y/N's Journey to a "Normal life" in Date a LiveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant