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Shiori and Kotori were discussing, who's likely is Natsumi out of all of the them. And due to that fact that Yuzuru disappeared, when she made the wrong choice. Shiori knows, and expected it, but it was still so surreal.

"So, how do we find out if y/n, is the real deal." Shiori asked.

"Ehhh, are you really gonna ask that? The fact that he's not in the choices help that he's the real deal." Replied Kotori, looking at her sister.

"Well, you can never be too careful." Shiori, sweat dropped.

"Says the one, who hasn't suspected y/n's sister." Kotori, deadpanned at her sister.

"Well then, have figured out. If I'm the real Itsuka Kotori?"
She asked changing the subject.

"You're the real one." Shiori replied instantly.

"Aren't you even gonna confirm it?" Kotori asked.

"L-like m-maybe through a kiss?" Kotori asked while blushing.

"The let's do it." Shiori agreed, without hesitation.

Shiori got up, and gets closer to Kotori. As she then held her chin, and got closer even more. Kotori closed her eyes as she continued to blush, getting ready for the kiss.


They both heard a clicking sound, making them look towards the source, To see y/n. Holding his phone, taking a picture of them.

"What a great way to 'bond' with your siblings." Y/n comments.

"W-what are you doing here?!" Shiori and Kotori, asked in unisen.

"Just relaxing." He answered blandly

"By the way, dont you think that's illegal?" He asked.

"N-nope! I'm not doing anything take that!" Shiori answered.

'unlike you.'

"I was just gonna do this!" Shiori continued, and grabbed Kotori's black ribbons. Getting out a cute reaction.

Kotori then began to beg her sister, to give it back. As she jumped all around to try and get it, but to no avail. Because of her height.

"Onee-chan, give it back! Please!"

"S-see I was getting this ribbons to get a cute reaction." Shiori states looking at y/n.

"It is indeed cute. Carry on, then" Y/n states, as he began to walk away and go home.

Shiori looks at Kotori. Still trying to get the ribbon.

Shiori: "See. Natsumi could never immitate this side, of you."

Kotori looked at Shiori, angryly.

"K-kotori?" Shiori comments, looking at Kotori's angered face.

As she then recieves a punch in the guts.

Natsumi was still reading, the diary to get a better grip. But was stopped ,when the door was opened by y/n. As she then tried to hide the diary.

"W-why are you here!?" She asked in a panick, whilst trying to hide the book.

"It's lunch time." He replied blandly.

"Also, you don't need to hide you're shota hentais from me y'know?" He states in the doorway.

"Afterall I've already seen it. All of it." He continued, as he closes the door.


Shiori was on her date with Miku while cosplaying. The ran around the theme park, while being dealayed by other visitors who spotted them. Due to their cosplay, and was ask to take some pictures with them. Nevertheless the have fun.

Y/N's Journey to a "Normal life" in Date a LiveWhere stories live. Discover now