The Arrangement ~K.R.~

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You remember when you first met Kylo, it was one of the worst days of your life. Your home planet had been aligned with the light side of the force for a while. From having been aligned with Obi-Wan, to Luke, and now to The Resistance under General Leia. Though your father had aligned with General Leia, he was concerned about the ways of The First Order. He wanted to protect the people of your planet, and it was hard to do that with the increased amount of First Order technology.

When your father heard about the machine they were creating, the one deadlier than the death star, he had no other option; he knew what he had to do. He worked up a deal with Supreme Leader Snoke, promising to asset The Order with needed materials in order for protection. Not only did he deal away your planet's resources, but he also signed you away. Snoke wanted to create more children loyal to The Order, more force sensitive children. You were to marry, and produce offspring with Kylo Ren. Your father had told you all of this information not even two minutes before Kylo walked through the doors of the throne room.

For the first few months of your arrangement, all your pent up anger went toward Kylo. Part of you felt bad because you weren't actually mad at him; plus you doubted he even wanted this arrangement as well. Yet he had done nothing to make you feel at home. He barely even gave you the time of day, which just made being mad at him easier.

You felt so isolated, you had nothing to do. Though you had been trained in nearly every profession, because you were to become Kylo's bride you were expected not to work. So you spend most of your days milling around your quarters. You would've loved to go on walks around the base, but you were also prohibited from doing that. To The First Order you were merely a child-making machine, something that would've never happened on your home planet.

Occasionally you had meetings with Kylo, but they were short. Most of the time went to wedding planning, since the wedding was being held by your father. At your last meeting, you had the courage to finally ask him some questions.

"Hey Kylo," he let out a small grunt from his mask. "Do you think it would be okay if I could walk around the base from time to time, or have a bigger role here?" You visibly saw Kylo's demeanor change, which is hard to see due to his mask.

"Why would you want to leave your quarters?"

"Why would I want to be stuck in the same room with nothing to do, everyday for the rest of my life?"

"I could potentially have you help around the ship, but I'd prefer if you had a low influence. I don't see how walks could hurt you though, and maybe some small organizational work." A huge smile grew on your face, your entire energy shifting. You had always been rather active on your home planet, so this sitting still was killing you. You were so excited to be able to explore the base.

"Thank you so much!!" You squealed, jumping across the small table to hug Kylo. He seemed rather tense and uncomfortable, but you were too happy to care. Kylo had been taken by surprise, since he'd never seen you like this before. He assumed you were probably just a stuck-up princess who wanted to be catered to, but this made you seem like the total opposite.

Kylo really had given you small organizational tasks, from folding recruit uniforms to alphabetizing files, but you loved it. Your walks around the base were the best though. For the first couple of walks, Kylo had one of his knights walk with you – so you wouldn't get lost. Yet as you learned your way around the base, he eased up on the number of knights that walked with you until you were walking on your own.

You loved seeing all the workers on the base come together and fix things. Not to mention you loved seeing all the different faces of the workers. You never realized how much you missed actual social interaction. Kylo never talked much, but some of his knights did; specifically Ushar, he did NOT stop talking.

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