He's just not into you ~C.B.

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Nobody knew what was going to happen once Nicole left. Obviously they'd need to find a new star, but how would that process go? Would Charlie even want to do that process? Rumors had spread that Charlie had already filled the spot before Nicole left, but Mary Ann was the main participant of that so no one believed it. Other rumors spread saying that one of the ensemble members would just move up.

    Charlie and Nicole had already planned for her leaving the theater when she got this job offer. Nicole had met this young and upcoming actress who she wanted to promote, and Charlie didn't have a problem with that. He had heard great things about her, not only from Nicole but from others in the acting community.

    You knew Nicole through various friends. One of your good friends you'd been working with, had known Nicole for years. So eventually the two of you met, and hit it off. You and Nicole were really good friends, until her marriage started declining. After you'd taken up for Charlie once, she stopped talking to you. So, when you got the call from Charlie that she wanted you to take her place, you were shocked.

    Charlie had given you the rundown of everything that you'd have to prep for before rehearsals started, and what you needed to catch up on. Charlie's actors had been doing this show for some time now, while you were just walking into it. You spent the last couple of months reading over the script, finding your character, and memorizing lines.

    Fear coursed through your body as you stood in front of the theatre. You had no idea what to expect. From what you heard from Nicole, the company was a wonderful community. But she had been in it for numerous years while you hadn't. Not to mention, you'd never formally met Charlie, your new boss.

    You took a deep breath, to clear your head of all the negativity, and walked into the theatre. You heard voices coming from the stage so you decided to walk towards it. The stage was beautiful and huge, one of the biggest you'd ever seen. You had completely forgotten there were people on it, waiting for you, because of how beautiful it was.

    Your day dreams were cut short by a brunette.

    "Excuse me," you looked behind you, where her voice had been coming from, "Are you supposed to be in here?" Her tone came off a little snotty and rude.

    "Yeah, I'm actually here to see Mr. Barber."

    "Oh, you must be his new whore." Her eyes raked up and down your outfit.

    "Mary Ann, who are you talking to?" That's when you saw him. All 6'2" of him. The man was gorgeous, and you couldn't keep your eyes off of him.

    "She said she was looking for you."

    "Oh, you must be (Y/N)?"

    "Yes, and you must be Mr. Barber."

    "Call me Charlie, Mr. Barber is too formal."

    From that point on, this has been the best job you'd ever had. The cast and crew were all so talented and nice, other than Mary Ann. Not to mention Charlie. Charlie was just great, he was sweet and respectful. You couldn't understand what Nicole could hate about this man, to you he was perfect.

    Over the months of the show you watched as he seemed to decline. He seemed to get more stressed and his moods got worse. You had heard from the other actors that their divorce was looking pretty nasty. You tried your best to help, in small ways of course. You always complimented him, even when everyone knew he looked bad. You would bring him things, like lunch or dinner. You noticed that the man was barely ever eating. Then at times, you would text him to stop fucking working and go to sleep.

    You didn't mind the new role you had taken in Charlie's life. If it wasn't for his trust in his ex-wife, he wouldn't have given you a job; or a great opportunity to work with such amazing people.

    The show ended towards the end of his divorce. So as you were all celebrating your last night on Broadway, he could actually celebrate with you. You all went to dinner at a fancy restaurant. You were going to sit with one of the friends you'd made, Jasmine, but Charlie had called you over.

    "(Y/N) come on, sit."

    "Are you sure? I was just gonna sit with Jazzy."

    "Shut up, and sit."

    The two of you talked the whole night away. You enjoyed being able to see Charlie so happy and lively. You also enjoyed being able to hear stories about Henry. The entire night all of the cast members were side-eyeing the two of you, and Mary Ann was just full on glaring.

    "(Y/N), tell me about yourself."

    "Well, I grew up in a small-ish town in (H/S). And sadly that's about it cause I'm not interesting."

    "Not interesting? You've gotta be joking. Out of everyone here you are the most interesting person." You couldn't help your cheeks from heating up at the words he said to you. If you knew better, you'd think he was flirting.

    "You better be careful Mr. Barber. I don't take flirting lightly." You joked, laughing lightly at what you said. Charlie smiled and whispered into your ear, "I was hoping you didn't."

    And with that phrase, a glass was shattered onto the floor. Everyone looked up to see Mary Ann looking like she was going to murder someone. Her face was red, pupils were blown out in rage, and her hands were shaking.

    She stomped all the way over to where you and Charlie were sitting. She slammed her hands down on the table and looked you directly in the eye.

    "I don't know who you think you are, but you can't do this," she turned to look at Charlie, "And you! How dare you lead me on like that. What makes you think you have the right to do that?"

    "Oh honey, go sit down somewhere. He's just not into you." Frank screamed from one of the tables. Everyone in the restaurant laughed; the workers, other patrons, and the rest of the cast. Mary Ann screamed a little and walked out of the restaurant.

    "Damn, I kinda feel bad."

    "Don't, she's fucking crazy."

    "Yeah, but she's crazy over you Mr. Barber."

    "Well, she's not the one I want to be crazy over me."

    That night sparked the beautiful relationship you have with Charlie. And you continue to be thankful that he really was just not into her.

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