Brownies ~F.Z.~

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Flip was the quiet type, it was something that was known by everyone who knew him. He was never the type to vocally talk about his personal life, especially when it came to you. Flip wanted to protect you as much as he could from the work that he did. He knew that undercover work could lead to numerous different outcomes, so you were a secret from the world.

    You understood where he was coming from, but you hated being a secret from everyone. You wanted all his police buddies to know you were his, and vice versa. You wanted to be able to come by the station and give the officers brownies, and drop off lunch for Flip. You wanted to be like the other police officers wives. Yet there were two things Flip always reminded you of: one, you weren't his wife, two, didn't know how to make brownies. So, being the overachiever you are, you made a bet with Flip one night at dinner.

    "I have a hypothetical scenario." You said, the beer in your hand pointed towards Flip. The two of you would do this sometimes, plan 'hypothetical scenarios'.

    "Lay it on me, princess." A huge smile grew on your face based on the words he spoke.

    "Hypothetically," you started, leaning towards Flip, "if I learned to make brownies, then you'd tell the force about me." Flip had to think for a second about what you were insinuating. Flip knew you were a mediocre cook, but a terrible baker; he knew you'd have some of the skills to pull it off. Yet, he also knew that it would take you at least a month or so to learn; by that time, the idea would have been forgotten by you.

    "Fine, you have yourself a deal." What Flip didn't know was that you had been practicing on your brownie recipe for about a month, now. Every time Flip called and said he would be working late, you used that as an excuse to pull out the baking supplies. In all honesty, you would predict you'd have the recipe down in about a week; especially since you didn't have to hide it from Flip.

    Everyday after work, you went straight into the kitchen and pulled out your baking supplies. Every night, you'd force feed Flip a brownie. You were obviously smarter than Flip and would make a batch that would taste terrible just to keep him off your trail. By the taste of that batch, Flip had no doubt that he was in the clear.

    "Flip, do you have any ladies that have caught your attention?" Ron asked, desperately trying to get into Flip's mind. Flip enjoyed the questions Ron asked him, but he'd never actually say that aloud. He would always come up with two answers, one with and without you in mind.

    "No, not at the moment--" before he could finish Jimmy came in with a huge smile on his face, a brownie in hand.

    "Hey Flip, there's a hottie here handing out brownies. You should go get her number." Flip's heart dropped at the mention of brownies. There were only two different possibilities: you either mastered the recipe or some random chick was handing out brownies. He prayed that it was the ladder, but he knew deep within that it was probably you.

    He walked out of the office station with Ron by his side. There was an entire line of officers by the door. He stood there for a couple of minutes, and watched as the officers started to leave. He was able to catch a glimpse of you. You were wearing a short green dress, an outfit you'd save just for this day, and your hair was naturally flowing down your back in curls. The sight of you took Flip's breath away, he didn't know how he could have hidden you for this long.

    "Flip, hey Flip. FLIP!" Ron's scream took his focus off of you. "Are you, or are you not gonna get the girl's number?"

    "Ron, what makes you think I don't already have it?" Ron was stunned at what Flip said, he was even more stunned by Flip's actions. Flip walked past the, now small, crowd of officers and placed a kiss on your forehead. Ron's mouth opened at the sight of Flip showing someone attention and affection.

    "I didn't think the kid had it in him." Jimmy said, another brownie magically in his hands.

    "Damn, I really didn't wanna give Trapp 50 bucks." Ron sighed, reaching in his back pocket for his wallet.

    "Never underestimate the ability of a tall white guy," Sergeant Trapp replied, holding his hand out for the 50 dollars. "I really wonder where she got this recipe from, these brownies are really good."

    "Oooo, let me go grab one real quick." Ron said, stalking over to where you and Flip were.

    From that day on, you were one of the station's favorite girlfriends. Then eventually fiance and wife.

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