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Warning: there are some sad moments and mentions of running away in this, please don't read if it triggers you. Your health is important!!!!

You stood on the balcony looking towards the world around you. Your hair and robe blew in the light spring wind. The sun slowly makes its appearance to the world.

You held onto the balcony with all your strength, as if you were afraid the wind would blow you away. You felt your eyes start to water, and your chest start to hurt. Spring was always so beautiful to you, but it held memories of the darkest moments in your life.

Slowly the pain you felt in your chest took over your whole body. Your body started to shake, and you couldn't help the jelly feeling in your legs. Eventually, your legs gave out and you tumbled to the ground. In that moment you started sobbing, finally releasing all of the emotions you had held within. All the anguish and guilt you felt expressed itself through every tear that dropped, and every sob that left your mouth. Your vision was completely blurred, it had turned the beautiful sunset into a blob of purple and pinks.

That's when you felt it, the warmth and security of his arms wrapped around you. You shut your eyes and just held onto him, both of your grips increasing on one another. In that moment, you took a minute to truly appreciate him. His heartbeat, strength, and everything about him seemed to calm you down. Though the pain was still there, you felt calmer, it had dulled.

He slowly raised you so you were standing upright. He spun you around so that he could look at you, face-to-face. His hand came up to your face and gracefully wiped your tears away. He took your face in his hands and kissed your forehead.

"You wanna go inside?" He asked, his hand snaking down to your hand. You nodded as both of your hands linked into one.

He led you inside and sat you down on the couch. He sat beside you and started playing in your hair, though his hand immediately got stuck in it. You laughed as you listened to him struggle to get his hand out of your bed head.

"I told you that you can't do that with my hair."

"Yeah no shit," his words caused more laughter, "I just wanted to fucking feel it, goddamn." You continued to laugh while he rolled his eyes and flipped you off. Once your laughter died down, the two of you sat in silence for a couple of minutes. Both of you taking time to asses what just happened. 

"Kid," he said, catching your attention, "I know you don't like to talk about all that shit, but you need to." You took a deep breath, waiting for anything to happy and interrupt this situation. You didn't think there was a need to address the things you'd gone through, but he thought otherwise.

"Well," you started, situating yourself so you could look him in the eyes, "it all started 10 years ago, when I left. My life was just terrible, I got absolutely no attention from my parents at all. I was one of the oldest out of 10 kids. I had never gotten any attention from my parents, because I wasn't interesting. I wasn't super good, but not super bad. I didn't have any major talents, so it was like I was invisible. So one spring break, I just decided to leave. It was a couple years after we had met."

"When you asked if you could stay with me?"

"Yes, I just left. I packed up everything, and it took them a week to notice."

"No wonder you were so into the goddamn TV." you giggled lightly, and so did he.

"It was also the reason I changed my name. I didn't want anyone to notice me, because I just couldn't go back. Yet, the guilt still kills me to this day."

"I would imagine, you left your family and everything you fucking knew. Shit, I would feel the same." You sat in silence again, until it was interrupted by soft cries. You got up to go check, but Ada, stopped you and got up himself. A small smile drifted itself onto your face. Though he had told you not to go, you followed him upstairs to the small room.

His back was towards you, as you leaned into the doorway. Adam held the small child with such grace and precision. He held her as if she were a fragile doll, and any sudden movements could hurt her. He turned toward you shaking his head as a smirk found it's way onto his face. You smiled, walking towards the two of them.

"I remember fucking telling you to stay downstairs."

"Well, my lovely Adam," you said, taking your daughter from his hands, "you must really not know me." He chuckled, coming and hugging you from behind. Your daughter slightly giggled, and grabbed pieces of your hair.

"I hope you like this life now."

"Hmm?" You asked Adam, his words taking you by surprise.

"I said that I hoped you liked your life now; with us."

"I do, I really really do love it."


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