The Babysitter ~C.B.~

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(A/n) happy holidays everyone!!! Have a great time with this one 😊

You always believed you were the best babysitter, and Henry always made you feel like that. His utter joy to be around you always warmed your heart; same with Nicole. The fact that Nicole always wanted you around brought joy. Then there was Charlie, who for some reason, hated you.

    Your first couple of times babysitting had been fine; he never really addressed you much. Charlie only mostly ever gave you directions, he never started a conversation with you unless it was about Henry. As time went on and you became their primary babysitter, his hatred for you started to grow. There was never any particular incident that made him dislike you, he just always did.

    When you heard news of Charlie's and Nicole's divorce you were terrified; they had pretty much funded most of your college expenses. You, of course, had a full time job but the money coming in from them allowed you to live the luxury lifestyle you loved. Not to mention, you had been a child of divorce; you knew the effects it would have on a kid. You wanted nothing more than for Henry to NOT have to go through that, especially if the divorce became messy.

    Having heard through the grapevine that the divorce was messy, you expected to be out of a job. That was until Charlie called you one night. You had no idea what possessed this man into calling you at ten but you weren't complaining; he said that he needed your help. You had assumed that he meant your help with Henry, but boy you couldn't have been more incorrect.

    When you got to the Barber's home, you were met with a very intoxicated Charlie; which surprised you because they usually only have wine in the house. Charlie was laid out on the couch with a huge smile on his face; tequila bottles littering the floor. You had been a party girl yourself and you could not see Charlie as the type to chug multiple bottles of tequila; maybe only one.

    "Obviously you called me over because you're drunk, so I'm gonna go back home." You said, about to walk out the door when a hand grabbed your wrist. The feeling was unusual, you had never felt anything like it before. It was as if a current of electricity went through your body.

    "Please stay. I just don't want to be alone," you nodded your head in understanding, closing the front door and walking closer to him. "You were the only person I could think to call." His words pulled at your heart strings, something that never used to happen when Nicole was around. You assumed that seeing him looking this bad, and knowing what he was going through, made you feel this way. You denied to think there was any other reason.

    "Do you want to talk about it," you asked sitting on the couch next to him, "I'm assuming that you haven't talked about it much."

    "Nicole got a lawyer, even after we agreed not to. She convinced the judge we were a Californian family, though we lived here, and got 60% of custody."

    "Damn," Charlie looked at you in utter shock, "what? It was unexpected. If anything I would see you doing something like that." You hadn't meant to say those words but they had just slipped out. Once you had realized what you'd said you mentally scolded yourself. This poor man was going through the works, and you just made it ten times worse.

    "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," you couldn't finish your statement before Charlie had cut you off, "no it's fine. I know I haven't been the nicest person to you; and if I had had it my way I wouldn't have treated you like that at all." You've never truly believed in the whole 'drunken words, sober thoughts' statement; but it was making a hell of a lot of sense in this scenario.

    "When you first started working for us everything was fine, until Nicole got jealous. She claimed that I was looking at you the way I used to look at her. She told me that if I didn't get my act together then we would get a new babysitter. I decided to go along with what she said because you had just worked so well with Henry." His words had shocked you, of course, but it sort of made sense. You remember Nicole acting kind of stand-offish to you at the beginning. You, being the naive girl you were, just thought it was because she was trying to test; to see if you were the right pick of a babysitter.

    "Damn, and here I thought you hated me."

    "Quite the opposite actually, I liked you. You were beautiful, and still are, and the way your brain works just doused me in attraction."

    "You're just saying that because you're drunk. Now if you can say it to me when you're sober I'll believe you."


    You had spent the rest of that night just talking to Charlie. You could tell that he just felt so lonely, and you felt bad for him. He went from having his son and wife in the house with him, to being completely alone. Not to mention, he was about to have to send Nicole almost all of the furniture in the house. He said that he had been sleeping on the couch because it reminded him of easier times.

    You hadn't expected him to text you the next day, or the day after, or the day after that. You weren't complaining though, you enjoyed talking to him. He would always start off with a 'how's you day', and it would just continue on from there. The two of you had been texting non-stop. He would even send pictures of him and Henry, it would always warm your heart. There was something about seeing him and Henry together, you just couldn't stop the smile from spreading across your face.

    You had been told he was moving to California about three months after that night. The news had both excited and hurt you. With these last couple of months, you had grown used to seeing his face everyday. You had grown used to seeing the silly way he ate his food. Long story short, you had grown used to seeing him.

    "Look, I know you're gonna say I'm crazy but I have something I want to tell you," you nodded your head for him to continue. You watched as he took a deep breath in, "I want you to move to California with me." Your mouth literally dropped.

    "I know you probably think I'm crazy but here me out. I've grown used to seeing you and talking to you; I don't want that to have to stop. You make me feel things I haven't felt in years, and I don't wanna give that up. What do you say?" That wasn't the question you had expected him to ask. You know that your relationship was definitely getting stronger, but you hadn't thought it would have been so strong he would ask you to move in with him. Yet, you knew you loved him and wanted to spend your life with him.

    "Yes." With that singular word that came out of your mouth, your perfect life was created. You and Charlie moved to LA and officially started dating. Within one year of dating, he asked you to marry him; obviously you said yes. Within one year of the engagement, you got married, and within one year of you two being married, you got pregnant. Life was as perfect as it could have ever been.

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