Something there that wasn't there before ~C.B.~

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(A/N - just wanted to say thank you for the reads, though it may not seem like much it's pretty great to me.)

"Am I allowed to ask how it went?" She asked, her voice caught my attention. I looked towards her and raised one of my eyebrows. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and glared at me slightly.

    "Don't play dumb, Charlie. How did the meeting with y'alls lawyers go?" I chuckled at her use of the word y'all. I always forget she grew up in the South until she uses it.

    "It didn't go as planned."

    "What is that supposed to mean? And don't lie, you know I can see right through you."
(Y/N), she's been my best friend since I moved to New York. I even knew her before I'd met Nicole. She has always been someone I've confided in, but recently with the whole divorce and the plane flights back and forth, we haven't talked much.

    "It's hell, (Y/N). Her lawyer has decided that we're an LA family, even though we've lived in New York for years."

    "Well, do you still get to see Henry?"

    "Yes, but with work and flying that's going to be hell."

    "But you still get to see him, and have been able to see him throughout this. That's the important part," she walked over to me and placed her hand on my shoulder, "I know this whole legal process is frustrating but you have to put what you want aside and think about Henry. He must be so confused right now, and seeing his parents fight isn't going to make it better."

    It had been a couple of weeks since I had that conversation with (Y/N) but her words continued to float in my head as I sat in the courtroom with my new lawyers next to me. All they did was spew lies and insults towards Nicole, but her lawyer went and did the same to me. I knew that what I was doing was wrong, getting a new lawyer who was an ass. But what Nicole had done was uncalled for. Moving Henry here without telling me her true intentions, hacking into my email, taking away my time with him, and bringing lawyers into this mess. Then those words that (Y/N) had told me continued to come back, they continued to swirl around in my brain until it was all that I was hearing. This divorce had nothing to actually do with either of us, but had all to do with Henry.

    A couple of weeks after the meeting with the court, her words still continued to swirl around my brain. (Y/N) had been right, and I needed to actually listen to her instead of ignoring her words. I went and met with my lawyers and decided that I couldn't continue to put Henry through all of this. He didn't deserve this, he deserved more than this.

    My lawyers negotiated that it would be 55/45 custody, which hurt me more than death ever could. I guess it was also a plus because that meant I was able to have more time for work, meaning I'd be able to actually spend time with Henry.

    "55/45 custody? That kinda sucks ass." I laughed at (Y/N)'s words, even from over the phone she could make the worst situation a little better.

    "Yeah but I guess I do kinda deserve it after the whole lawyer thing."

    "I do agree with that point, what you pulled can only be described as a douche move."

"I know, I know. To be honest with you, I have no idea what came over me. The thought that throughout this whole divorce I was just forced to do whatever Nicole wanted me to do upset me."

"I imagined it did, but when she was here with you it was the other way around."

"Yeah but she never expressed how she felt about it."

"She shouldn't have had to, you were her husband. You should've known," her words struck something deep within me, "anyway, when are you coming back?"

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