Attention ~K.R.~

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"Kylo, this is my daughter (Y/N)." When Snoke had told Kylo he had a daughter, Kylo didn't think much about it. He assumed that with his position under Snoke, he'd never meet or have an interaction with his daughter. But it was the exact opposite, as Kylo grew within the ranks and Snoke started to trust him, he wanted to introduce Kylo to his daughter. With Kylo's loyalty it seemed like the best decision, now she had more eyes protecting her.

(Y/N) looked nothing like Snoke, which had surprised Kylo. Anyone who looked at Snoke would have either thought no one could conceive anything with him, or that his kid would be in their 50s. Yet here stood a 20 something year old, showing him that what everyone had thought was wrong.

Her style had surprised Kylo, same with her looks. He had assumed that she would've either dressed like a saint or a thot. She wore a turtleneck crop top, and baggy green pants. He would have described her as the real life Kim Possible.

"It's nice to finally meet the man my father won't stop talking about. I swear he has a thing for you or something." Her voice sounded like music in Kylo's ears. She spoke each word with confidence. Her voice was low and smooth.

"(Y/N), enough."

"Sorry, can I go now? I'm supposed to meet up with the girls."

"Of course, have a great day sweetie." Before she left, she kissed her father on the cheek. Kylo watched the whole ordeal wishing that his cheek would have been the one she was kissing. He stopped himself for a minute, he shouldn't be having thoughts like this. She was his boss' daughter for goodness sake, plus there was no way she would have a thing for an antisocial guy like him. Not to mention if she found out what kind of work he does for her father, she'd never want to be with a monster like him.

Over the next couple of weeks, Kylo found himself dreaming about her. He dreamed about the way she would feel in his arms, the way her lips would feel on his, and the way she would love him. He could tell from just looking at her, that she had a big heart. He knew that he would be jealous of anyone who was able to call her, theirs.

After meeting her, Kylo didn't think he'd ever see her again but for some reason he continued to run into her. It was as if suddenly his eyes had opened and he finally saw something that was in front of him the entire time.

"Kylo," her voice caught his attention. He raised his head from the book he had been reading and looked at her, "I need your advice."

"My advice?"

"Yeah, your advice." Kylo shrugged, trying to wrap his head around why she wanted his advice. The logical part of him told him not to feel special, that her friends were probably just busy like her father was. Yet a part deep within himself said that it was because she valued his opinion, and wanted to please him.

"I guess just ask away."

"Umm, how do you get a guy's attention?" Her question caught him off guard. A part of him lit up at the idea of her wanting someone's attention, while another part of him dimmed knowing it probably wasn't his attention.


"Well, there's this guy that I think is cute but I don't know how to get his attention. I see him all the time but he's just quiet the entire time."

"Why don't you just tell him? Most of the time guys can't understand social cues."

"Really," Kylo shook his head in response, "well thanks. I'll see you at dinner tonight." Before she had brought it up, Kylo had completely forgotten the annual company dinner. Every year around the time the company was founded, all those involved got together for a huge feast. He had never really looked forward to it, because he always was used as a security detail for it. Now he got to actually go to the dinner, he got to be in the room where it happened. A slight wave of fear came over him, he had no idea what to expect from the dinner.

Once Snoke had gotten out of his meeting, he let Kylo go home so he could get ready for the dinner. Kylo was one to never really over dress, he always found himself wearing casual clothing but in a nice way. Tonight was different though, he couldn't risk embarrassing his boss. He decided to wear a white dress shirt, and black slacks. He rolled the dress shirt sleeves up to show off the tattoos that littered his arms. He wore a couple of silver rings, and a silver chain. He thought it would give off a nice vibe, maybe even impress some folks.

All eyes fell on him when he walked into the ball/dining room. He was given all different types of looks; the women all seemed to be drooling over him, the young men seemed to be jealous of him, and the older men seemed to be impressed. Great, he had given off the right impression, yet the one person's attention he actually wanted was nowhere to be found. He sighed and walked over to Snoke, who was bragging to everyone who had looked over at Kylo.

Kylo's eyes wandered the room, his mind focused on seeing one person and one person only. The sound of a glass shattering caught everyone's attention. There she stood, wearing an outfit he's shocked Snoke let her out of the house in. She wore a black crop top and shorts, she had two garter belts on her legs. Oh and remember the crop top? There was a cut right where her cleavage was. She wore black stilettos, the ones with the red bottoms. Kylo couldn't help but smirk at the girl who caught everyone's attention. She placed a sweet smile on her lips and walked toward her father.

"(Y/N), what are you wearing? This is a formal dinner."

"I thought this was pretty formal. I've never seen a girl walk out on the street in this." She turned her attention towards Kylo, and took his hand. Kylo could feel and hear his heart racing. The touch of her hand sent electric shocks through his body.

She led him out of the ballroom and towards a closet in the venue. She opened the door and pushed him in. Kylo watched as she walked in and closed the door behind her.

"Have I done it?" Kylo twisted his face in confusion, what was she talking about?

"Done what?"

"Caught your attention."

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