Angel/Demon AU ~A.D.~

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This is part 2 for anyone wondering 

Every night since your talk with Adam, you've had the same dream. You're all dressed in white and so is he, then out of nowhere the ground breaks and you're sucked into it. Every time you wake up screaming and crying. You have no idea why.

You've been so focused on Adam and your apparent past with him, that you haven't been able to focus on the mission at hand. You've gotten multiple messages from the council wondering how the mission was going, you lie to them each time. You always relay the message that everything is going well, though you know they can tell it's not. You wanted any reason to stay here and try to figure out your past with Adam.

You had been able to get away with this lie to the council for about a month, then you were called for a meeting at the headquarters. Luckily it was right around holiday season, allowing you to pretend that you were going to visit family. Yeah, family in hell.

As you walked through the gates of hell, your heart started to race. You felt as if you were one of the humans you'd prosecuted before, scared of what was awaiting them on the other side. The thoughts of what could possibly happen played over in your mind. On one hand you could possibly be given the truth about your relationship with Adam, on the other you'd be banned from Earth missions and forever stuck with the flaming pits.

The council was already ready for you when you walked into the meeting room. Each lined up ready to force their opinions onto you.

"(Y/N), you've been lying to us for some time now." Elder L said, her voice filled with poison.

"You have been spending your time on Earth chasing after a boy." Elder H chimed in.

"And not just any boy, an ANGEL." Elder S finished. There was a feeling of darkness within the room, and it wasn't due to the whole hell factor.

"We trusted you, we believed in you," Elder S shouted, his arms flying into the air. "You were built to be perfect."

"Built? Obviously there are things you're hiding from me. How am I meant to effectively do my job when an angel has provided me more information than you all." You ranted, the amount of pent up emotion filing off of your chest.

"You really wanna know? You want to feel all that pain again? Well then so be it." With the flick of Elder L's hand, you were escorted to a room. The room felt small, but you couldn't tell if that was just your mind playing tricks on you. In the room was a woman, she seemed to be pregnant. Tears ran down the young woman's checks, she looked so pained. That's when two men walked into the room, one in a full suit, the other in what seemed to be a lab coat.

The man in the lab coat walked over to the lady, then the room went black. When the lights came back on the man in the suit was holding the baby in his arms. He looked down on the baby with such hate.

"It's a girl, disgusting," He scoffed, handing the baby back to the young woman. "I shall call for it to be removed in the morning."

"No you can't! Please not again!" The woman screamed, she seemed as if she were holding onto dear life.

"You have until the morning, and I'd advise you not to name it again." With that word the man in the suit left, leaving the woman and the baby alone in the small room.

"Don't you worry. I'll make sure he won't hurt you, (Y/N)." Then the room went black again. The next time the lights came on the young baby was in a box on a random doorstep. A sign attached to her saying: PLEASE HELP ME. A young man opened the door and took the baby in with open arms. The street went black, then you were hit with all different memories from a childhood that you apparently lived.

You remembered the smell of your adoptive fathers gingerbread cookies, the talks you'd have with him, and all the school drama. When the lights came back on, and when you had fully absorbed the memories, you were in a coffee shop. There was that girl but all grown up, at this point you'd already gotten the message that you were once the girl. Anyway, the girl was at the coffee shop when she saw him, Adam.

As soon as Adam came into the picture the shop went dark again. Honestly the whole lights on and off thing was giving you a headache, or that could've been from the information you were receiving. Memories of you and Adam continued to come back to you, this time with more detail than ever. You smiled at the memories, you had looked happy -- truly happy. The memories were cut off with the notorious dream you always had.

"Adam, why can't we just live a normal life? I'm tired of waiting an eternity to be with you."

"Look (Y/N), there's a lot about me that you don't know."

"Then tell me!"

"I can't! Not without them--not without them taking you away!" Just as he said those words the ground split in two, both the actual you and the living you fell into the crack.

You were dropped back into the meeting room. Confusion written all over your face, who had done that to you?

"You still don't get it, child."

"When will you understand?"

"He got too attached, so as his punishment you were taken down here." The Elders spoke in unison, but you didn't want to believe them. His punishment was really your punishment. You got punished for what he did. Anger started to fester inside of you, the Elders had successfully planted their seed.

"You know what you must do."

"Thank you Elders, for enlightening me." You walked out of the meeting room with a plan in your head. Let's be real, you couldn't punish him back but you could ruin his mission. So that's what you did.

You made it your life duty to fuck with him. It allowed you to get back at him for the lifetime of hell he gave you, and it allowed you to see him. Everytime he was sent to make someone a better person, you'd be there feeding the exact opposite into their heads.

The Elders knew that one day you'd find out the real truth, but it would be a century before that happened. Until then, they had their very own trainwreck to watch. 

(A/N) -- sorry I've been gone, had like 12 tests to study for but I'm back!! Also happy thanksgiving eve 

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