Chapter 15: Anpanman

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To be honest
I'm scared of falling
And of letting you down
But, even if it takes up all my strength
I will be sure that I stay by your side
Although I'll fall again I'll make a mistake again
And I'll be covered in mud I believe in myself because I'm a hero

Jae's POV

When Jimin left my heart was fluttering. I went to the studio to practice dancing with the rest of the girls they looked at me and waited to see my reaction. I giggled and ran to them and the hugged me and squealed.

"So Bang pd is letting you both date publicly!" Ara said and I nodded. Hehe and Gigi squealed excited for me. I giggled happy being surrounded by my friends.

We then had to stretch and warm up to learn our choreography. It was a good morning. We then split around lunch time each having our own schedule. I was going to be working on music. This afternoon and recording some song lyrics and making a guide for recording the songs that the other girls will be using. Music was so easy to get distracted into writing. Once you get in the flow you can tune out your surrounding.

That's why I never got Jimin's text.

Or the call from Jin

or Yoongi

or Lyn

or anyone.

I didn't get out of work till six and that was when I saw everything. News articles, the text messages the voicemails.

Jimin was in a car accident alongside Tae and Kookie, why did I never hear the phone. I called Jimin's phone right away. I needed to know where he was and how he was doing. I rang for a good few minutes scaring me into thinking he was in a terrible situation and under the knife.

"Hello"I heard his voice say.

"Jimin, can you hear me are you OK?" I asked him nervous.

"Who is this?" I heard him say.

"Jimin it's me, Jae, Your girlfriend"

"I'm sorry I don't know a Jae" My heart sank and stopped did he have a head injury. Was this wreck terrible and bad. But then I heard snickering on the other end.

"JIMIN, this is not phone you were in a car wreck" I said getting mad that he was joking and teasing my weak state for him.

"Im sorry my angel, but the opportunity was too good to pass up on." He says I could hear him chuckling and smiling.

"I was so worried and scared about you, where are you right now?" I asked him pouting slightly.

"I am at home my angel waiting for you to come and kiss me all better" He says and I giggle.

"I will be right there to nurse you back to health" I tell him smiling. I rolled my eyes and rushed out the building to my car. I told my driver where to go and he took me around back to the BTS apartment. I walked up to the apartment door and walked in taking my shoes off and rushing to Jimin's room.

"Jae!" I heard him say his voicing calming my nerves. I looked at him and saw that his arm was in a sling. I knew this immediately was going to be hard for him. He is always hard on himself and I know he is acting ok but when he is alone with himself he is going to feel bad. He won't be able to dance and perform on stage like the perfectionist in him will want to do.

"Oh my god! Jimin are you ok?" I asked him hugging him the best I could.

"Yeah I am ok just my arm is broken and my neck is tender from the impact" He says. I looked behind him Tae had a brace on his wrist and JK was looking so guilty. "What happened?"

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