Chapter 14: Louder Than Bombs

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You and I, we feel it together
Sadness and pain
It's not a coincidence
Yeah, we picked this game

Louder than bombs, I say (ah)
I'll tell it in front of the world (ah)

Jimin's POV

It was the Monday after the wedding and me and Jae both got called to the Bang PD's office to discuss the "incident" that occurred at the wedding. I don't see as an incident I see it as finally getting my angel back in my life. Luckily dispatch only released the photos of us kissing as both me and her were drunk the stars and gazebo in the lower garden got a full show. I am sure that they got more of those photos but Hybe stopped those from being shown to the world. I smiled seeing my angel waiting by the door for me before we entered his office. I kissed her softly before we went inside so excited that she is back in my life. I knocked on the door and we heard a come in. We both bowed before sitting down in front of his desk.

"Jiminssi and Jaessi, I am sure you saw what was released in the press yesterday and today?" Bang Pd asked us and we nodded.

"Good, there was more that was going to be released and I thought we all had a mutual understanding. I know the both of you dated before and now I am assuming you two are dating again. We are going to have to finally release this as it is clearly the both of you kissing in the gardens at Yoongi's wedding. What shall we tell the both of your fans?" he asked us and we looked at each other.

"tell them the truth, because its not a drunken kiss it wasn't a mistake. I love Jae absolutely and while she was targeted I knew it was my fault because of Jealous army but I know they are going to be happy for me as we are in a new stage of our careers. They will understand that I want to be romantically involved with one person for potentially the rest of my life. Bang pdnim you can understand, you are like my father don't you want me to be happy" I tell him smiling holding Jae's hand

"Sir though you barely know me yet, I work very hard and I want to be the best for you but I also am my best with Jimin." Jae says making me smile. Her words fluttered my heart.

"They way you two have been speaking is as if you know each other as soulmates" Bang Pdmin said to us and we were both blushing looking at each other.

"I know I am not to love anyone else but her sir. I am my best with her and she gives me so much support to get out of the bed everyday and to do more than just the bare minimum. I enjoy helping her work on music as well as writing music with a muse." I tell him and I see him smile and nods.

"Ok, well I am sure we will hear an announcement from both you of soon as you talk like both of you are going to get married" He says to us causing me to smile wide chuckling but then I stopped hearing Jae speak.

"Not yet but if we can, can we live together?" Her words made my heart jump. She wants us to live together. I looked at her surprised we had never talked about that.

"Are you two comfortable enough to announce to Army and NWA that you're dating each other? If so I can okay you both getting a place together we will put in extra security there for you two as well" He tells us and we looked at each other before looking at Bang pd and nodded

"Yes" we both said smiling excited to be together in the public.

"Ok, we will make an announcement to the public for you two, as well film a video to post to social media and YouTube, your both good to head out, just no kids yet unless your both engaged or married" he said causing us to laugh walking out of the door.

Once we both were out of the office we walked down to the studios and went into one smiling sitting down. I kissed her softly and she kissed me back as well.

"We should take a picture and post it to social media together for after the announcement is released." Jae said happily. She was so radiant standing there looking at me. I nodded agreeing to it. We went to a blank wall and took a selfie together.

What was life going to be like now that we are all going into the next stage of life. What will army now think of us all getting into relationships and dating, getting married, having families. Will they be disappointed in us having other priorities in life. We all have solo projects going on as well. Collaborations going on in the background, solo music. We enjoy being BTS and everything but we can't always run 100% as a band without having our own things. The music will not be meaningful like we always wanted it to be. I know Jae is wanting to be in the idol life for a while. I need to let her shine but I don't want to be their next to her because I will crowd her light. She deserves to shine by herself. I will be the supportive boyfriend behind her. I will be a at home husband if she wants me to. Take care of our puppies and maybe eventually kids, while she lives out her dream. She deserves her dreams and the world.

"Jiminie? are you lost in thought" Jae says grabbing my attention and I just smile at her.

"I love you, I genuinely love you Jaehwa, my angel. You mean the world to me" I tell her and she blushes and looks down shy

"I love you too my sweet Jiminie" She says and I smile.

"Ok, you need to go to filming for Run BTS and me and the girls have rehearsals" She tells me pushing me down towards the hallway and I pout not wanting to leave her yet. "Jimin you will see me later"

"I know but I want it to be later now" I tell her as she pushes me into the elevator. "One kiss please"

"Fine" She says and leaning up to kiss me. I smile into the kiss and held her close to me before she slowly pulled away and giggles. "I will see you later Jiminie"

I nodded and stepped back into the elevator and went down to the main level to start heading to the filming location for Run BTS. The world will now get to know my love for my angel and her love for me. I was excited for Army to share my happiness with her. I couldn't wait to share all the adventures me and her have gone on. The journey and heart ache we both experienced apart. The story that happened in Chicago and New York. I just know my stans may act different then Yoongi Hyung's stans with Lyn. It won't be as big as a surprise hopefully me and Jae because unlike Yoongi and Lyn we don't have a baby. Maybe me and Jae could be the step for Jin and Jangmi as well hopefully then we all don't have to hide our girlfriends, wives, children. We could just be normal guys again. I was picked up at the studio by Jungkook and Taetae. We headed to the film location.

"So what did Bang pd nim say?" Tae asked looking back at me in the backseat.

"well... me and Jae can finally announce we are dating and are together." I tell him smiling.

"Oh wow...really" Tae says and I chuckle at his reaction.

"Wow so does that mean we could probably all openly date" kookie said looking at me from the mirror as he was the one driving.

"Probably hopefully. I think it would be good for us to" I tell them smiling. I was so happy in the moment.

"Do you think this will be an issue for her group?" Kookie asked

"Yeah they are just starting" Tae said looking at me and I nodded

"I am not going to let it be. I don't want to cause her any more issues. If need me I will step away from the light so she can shine. She deserves that." I tell them and the looked at me.

"You mean stop being in BTS?" Tae asked looking concerned,

"Jiminie no, you can't do that. We need you. You are part of BTS. You are loved by millions." kookie said getting passionate in his tone.

"That is not what I am meaning guys. What i am trying to say is that I will still be part of BTS but I don't want that status to affect her status. I am dating Jae of NWA I am honored such title. Like she is dating Jimin of BTS and is honored such title" I tell them. Tae looks at JK and they both look back at me.

"OK" they said and sighed.

"Hey JK watch out.. you need to focus on the road" I tell him causing him to look forward. Then came the loud noise of a car honking its horn. Then...CRASH!

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