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There were many things that he regrets in life.

He regrets falling in love with his fated one but also being not strong enough to protect her.

He regrets leaving his younger brother to what was supposed to be his responsibilities.

He regrets favouring his beloved daughter over his two sons, who he only saw two times. One was their births and the other was their ceremonies of their Sect's sacred ribbons.

He regrets not being the good husband, the good brother, the good father and the good Sect Leader.

Lan HuiZhen stood in front of his once quiet domain, Hanshi. The bodies of the Wen invaders scattered on the ground around him as his sword stained with their bloods.


Lan HuiZhen turned away from the carnage and spotted his daughter and a female cultivator running toward him. Both covered in ashes and blood.

"A-Ling." Lan HuiZhen sighed out of relief, happily letting his youngest embraced him. "Thank goodness you're safe."

"Xiongzhang is escaping with our sect's books, dada is holding back the Wens from the front gate. We need to go." Lan ChunTao stated urgently as she stared up at her father.

Lan HuiZhen's eyes softened at the sight of his daughter's soft gold eyes that she and Lan WangJi inherited from him while his eldest son inherited his mother's brown eyes.

'Do I deserve to leave when I was never truly their leader? When I hide like a coward while QiRen takes my responsibilities? When I turn away from my own children?' A solemn smile grew on his face as he pulled his daughter into another embrace, an embrace that would be their last.

"Forgive me for not being the father that you and your brothers need me to be. Forgive me for being a coward and...forgive me for this."

Lan ChunTao could only stare at her father in confusion before she and Wei WuHui gasped when they felt themselves being dragged by the Sect Leader.

"Fuqin?" Lan ChunTao uttered but Lan HuiZhen didn't respond and only continued pulling the maidens into a hidden path near the Hanshi.

"There they are!"

"They're escaping!"

"Get them! Kill them!"

Shouts from the Wen soldiers echoed from behind.

Not soon after, they reached a waterfall.

"Lan-Zōng Zhǔ, what are your plans here?" Wei WuHui questioned, her body tensing as the loud shouts come closer to them.

"I've heard great things about you from A-Ling, and I thank you for being there for her, for being her friend and sworn sister. And...thank you for being my eldest son's fated one." Lan HuiZhen smiled, his hands clasping onto each of the maidens' shoulders as he gazed at them with gentle eyes. "Live long, both of you."

And with that, he gave them a firm shove.

Time slowed down for Lan ChunTao. Her eyes slowly widened at the realisation and fear claws at her heart. The image of her father giving them one last smile flashed before her eyes, along with memories of her playing for him, talking to him.

"Live long, both of you"

Before cold water hits her body, freezing her to the bones as she felt herself sinking down, her vision becoming blurring

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Before cold water hits her body, freezing her to the bones as she felt herself sinking down, her vision becoming blurring.

"Fuqin, why don't you want to see Xiongzhang and Dada?"

"I don't deserve to see them, A-Ling. Not when I feel like this."

'Fuqin...' her eyes slowly closed as her consciousness faded away.


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'...in the end, you still left us behind'


惠珍 HuiZhen: precious orchid
宗主 Zong-Zhu: head of a clan

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(Please correct my translation if I'm wrong and the GIFs and pictures used in this chapter does not belong to me, but their rightful owners)

𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 (𝐌𝐨 𝐃𝐚𝐨 𝐙𝐮 𝐒𝐡𝐢 魔道祖师)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя