All of them sat down on the living room floor with multiple games scattered across the room. Riley like she had been recently, was quiet and a little tense, though what was much more surprising was Sauce, who seemed a bit edgy as well. Sauce zoned out occasionally and lost focus of the game, though she remained her usual ecstatic self for the most part.

"What the fuck were you and Tom doing yesterday?" Divs asked as she rolled the dice for her turn in Monopoly.

"He took me to a skateboard park and I broke my stupid wrist." Y/n explained as she took out 200 from the bank and gave it to Divs.

"He can't skateboard I do it better." May claimed as Sauce got ready for her turn.

"I'm sure you do." Riley breathed with a grin.

"Where is he now anyways?" Sauce questioned.

"He's out with his friends. He's been spending too much time with me lately and I don't want him to be away from his friends you know."

"Why didn't you go with him." Louis asked with his eyebrow raised.

"I rather be with you guys." She said and everyone smiled. She didn't want her friends to know about her insecurities, Y/n felt like she didn't belong whenever she used to see Tom with his friends, which is exactly why she didn't go. She didn't want to show how she felt to anyone, not right now.

An hour or two had passed and the six of them were now on their fifth game that night. They had already played Monopoly, charades, UNO, clue, Karaoke and now the impatient teens were onto a classic stranger things trivia quiz.

"What was the name of the mall in season three?!"


"What is Hopper's job?"


"What is the name of Nancy's boss in season three?!?!"


"YES! SHE GOT THEM ALL!" Sauce yelled May sighed to catch her breath after answering all those questions. Y/n put down the cards she was reading from for May's round and handed the rest over to Louis for Riley's turn.

"Okay it's your turn Ri." Divs said and Riley looked around awkwardly.

"Guys I think I'm gonna head out. I'm a bit tired and I feel like my fever might come back." Riley explained and got up from the ground.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Louis asked and the others nodded before looking towards her again.

"Yeah I just, I need rest. My foot aches a bit." Riley hugged each of her friends and left the house with a 'bye guys.'

"Okay what the fuck." May said as soon as everyone heard the door close.

"We have to seriously consider what is going on with Riley." Sauce told the others.

"I think she's sick." Y/n said worriedly.

"I didn't want it to be true but I think she has cancer or something." Divs suddenly broke out and the others let out gasps.

"What the hell no." May said with a 'pft' sound but the others had horrified looks on their faces.

"Google the symptoms." Sauce suggested and Louis quickly whipped out his phone.

He typed on the screen for a while until his heart dropped and his eyes spread as wide as saucers.

"No no no." He hook his head and Y/n took the phone from his hands.

"Oh dear god." She mumbled under her breath and the other three stared around with baffled expressions that were on the verge of tears.

"What does it say?" Sauce said with a shaky voice and Y/n began to read.

"Unexplained fevers."

"She had a fever just now." May muttered looking at Louis with eyes that suggested she was terribly scared.


"She was tired." Louis said looking at Divs to his right.


"Her foot was aching." Divs breathed and glanced at Sauce.

"And change in diet."

"She's been eating too less and she only eats carbs." Sauce looked back at Y/n and the five of them let out worried sighs.

"Okay we cant just assume she has cancer." Sauce reasoned with the others.

"Yeah your right." May started. "We'll have to break into her house sometime and investigate."

"Are you serious?" Louis raised his eyebrows.

"Does this situation seem appropriate for a joke?" May said rolling her eyes.

Louis looked as if he was about to disagree but he gave up knowing she'd find one way or the other to win the argument.

"Okay let's just go home and pray or something. We need rest." Y/n said getting up.

"She doesn't have cancer we're being paranoid." Sauce said heading upstairs to her room she shared with May. 

"Yeah your right." The others let out agreeing noises and finally the three left. Louis and Divs headed for Louis' house and Y/n walked across the street to her own.

May cleaned up in the living room and headed upstairs for bed. She opened the door to the room and saw Sauce sitting there staring nervously at her phone that was placed in front of her on the bed.

"Is everything alright?" May said closing the door behind her and sitting down next to Sauce.

"I don't know." She said not turning her gaze away from the phone.

"Is this about your sister?"

Sauce nodded and May wrapped her arms around the other girl. She stroked her hair in silence until Sauce spoke again.

"Daya thinks I should call her." She mumbled through May's hoodie.

"You should." She pulled away and Sauce smiled.

She gave out a deep sigh and began dialling the number she hadn't called for over three years.

May watched as her friend's hands shook on the screen and her body quivered, she knew that this was a big deal. She sighed as Sauce pressed the call button and all went still for a moment.

There was a beep from the phone and the ringing noise was heard three times until:

A faint voice came from the other line and Sauce's heart dropped.


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