She is hiding something from him

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"What did she just tell now? ",asked Anirudh to himself with a smile.

He was confused yet he was so happy today. He was twirling in the air , Som crossed the study and when he saw his brother so happy,he entered the study.

"Dada what are you doing?",asked Som.

"Som do you know what Bondita said?",asked Anirudh.

"What did boudi say to you?",asked Som.

"She said that she loves me ",said Anirudh with a blush appearing in his face and he tried to hide it.

"What? Did she really say like that?",asked Som.

"Why Som? What is the doubt in that?",asked Anirudh.

"If she loves you then why did she agree to marry ranveer?",asked Som.

Anirudh's happy face turned into a sad one again.

"Yeah Som I too want to ask about that to her",said Anirudh.

"Anyway congrats dada ",said Som.

"Why are you saying congrats?",asked Anirudh.

"Just like boudi said you are a 'buddhu' dada ",said Som smiling.

"What ???do I look like a buddhu to you",asked Anirudh.

"Yeah ,but my boudi will change you to a romantic person I think so",said Som.

Anirudh couldn't control his blush anymore, his cheeks flushed.

"Dada you look cute while blushing",said Som.

"Som what is Bondita doing?",asked Anirudh diverting the topic .

"How will I know? She may be doing her usual work",asked Som.

"What is her usual work?",asked Anirudh confused.

"Building her romantic skills by reading romantic novels . Ok dada I have some work in the hospital ,Iam leaving",said Som and left the study.

"I have to first ask her the reason for agreeing to marry ranveer", thought Anirudh and left to Bondita's room.

She was lying on the bed hearing music.

"Excuse me madam",said Anirudh.

"Hmmm what.. sakha babu",asked Bondita .

" I came to ask you something",said Anirudh.

"What do want to ask sakha babu? ",asked Bondita

"Why did you agree for marrying Ranveer",asked Anirudh.

"I can't say that alone to you Sakha babu. Please forgive me",said Bondita .

"Oh!!! Ok you won't say the reason but no problem I will find the reason",said Anirudh.

" Sorry sakha babu ,he got promise from me. You are the one who thought me not to break the promise na",said Bondita sadly.

" YOU ARE HIDING SOMETHING . Don't act like being sad",said Anirudh

"Ok say me only one thing to me . Whom am I to you and who is Ranveer to you ?",asked Anirudh.

"You are my LOVE and Ranveer that's a secret ",said Bondita smiling.

"This is unfair ,you are not sharing your secrets with me. Is that Ranveer important than me to you", pouted Anirudh.

"Sakha babu this is unfair ,you are doubting me,you believe in your Bondita na ?",asked Bondita.

"Hmmmm",said Anirudh.

"And what is the reply for my confession", asked Bondita and Anirudh was standing silently .

"Silence is also a way of approval right !!!! ",asked Bondita in a teasing tone.

"Iam leaving",said Anirudh and left the room.

"Bondita something is there that you are hiding ,I will find it out. But I know that you truly love me . And Bondita,I am so upset with you . How can you say that I doubt you ,that won't happen at all. But I think that what I feel is jealousy towards Ranveer. All get jealous right ,that too  when his love is close with another person. I will show you what is jealousy , get ready for being jealous my sweetheart", thought Anirudh.


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