The truth

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"Sakha babu listen carefully to whatever I say ,it may be hard for you to believe but it is the truth ", said Bondita.

"Bondita ,you know very well that I hate suspense,say me quickly ",said Anirudh.

"Sakha babu do you remember ?, Ranveer said that he want to speak to me and we were speaking in a room..........


"Hi , Iam Bondita das", said Bondita.

"Yeah , everyone in Tulsipur know you. The first women barrister of Tulsipur, Barrister Bondita das.  Hi and Iam Ranveer",said Ranveer.

"Good to meet you Ranveer,by the way do you want to say something about this marriage? If not then I want to say something important",said Bondita .

"I also want to speak to you but you start first",said Ranveer.

"Ok, actually Ranveer I love my Sakha babu ,So I can't marry you ",said Bondita directly.

"Oh!!! Who is that whom you call as sakha babu?",asked Ranveer.

" Barrister babu is my Sakha babu, I love him . I think you will understand my situation",said Bondita.

"Congrats, you are so lucky to get Anirudh babu as your husband. He is such a humble and kind person", said Ranveer.

"Thankyou for understanding me, you said that you want something to say to me", asked Bondita.

"I want a help from you Bondita ",said Ranveer.

"Sure I will help you ,say me",said Bondita.

"I loved a girl named Swathi , before a year she did Suicide. I was heartbroken when I heard the news that she did Suicide and I went to her house,there was a letter in the shelf. When I read it I understood that it was not a suicide but ........", stopped Ranveer with tears.

"Say Ranveer,you should be strong if you want justice ",said Bondita.

"It was a murder ,In the letter she wrote to me that someone had raped her and tortured her sexually....So she has done suicide . How can we say that it's a suicide,it's a murder Bondita,murder.... ",said Ranveer.

"Rape???",asked Bondita.

"Yeah , then I started to collect clues from her house ,there I found this locket ",said Ranveer showing the locket.

"This is ....",said Bondita.

"Chandrachur's locket , I know ",said Ranveer.

"No .... That cannot be possible. He is a very good man ,he won't do like this . You are saying lies , everything is a lie", shouted Bondita.

"Stop shouting Bondita,think first. You are a barrister,I know that you won't believe me without proofs. I will give you this letter,locket ,and other proofs that I have bought also . You yourself search the criminal",said Ranveer.

"Ok ",said Bondita.

"Now be relaxed ,agree to marry me now because then only I will be able to speak to you", said Ranveer.

"Ok",said Bondita.

Flashback ends

"Sakha babu ,then I started the investigation. Then I came to know that Chandrachur,no that filthy man has spoiled many girls life. A girl ,she will be just 16 but that pervert didn't even leave that child",cried Bondita.

"Don't cry Bondita,I am not going to spare that scoundrel. He is dead today", said Anirudh with rage .

"Wait sakha babu , we had said police to come . They will arrest him in public and he will know the consequences for his actions ",said Bondita .

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