Chapter XXXIII Part I

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In the timid, vacant halls of Hachiko High, there were long stretches of blank tiles and blue lockers marred with stray fur and scratches, especially in the after-hours where teachers oversaw detention, or the janitor stuck to his work. The only people who would willingly stay were ghosts, confined to one classroom or another, somehow always finishing with their work before they slid out of the school like sand sifting through a paw.

Being one of those, Capper was surprised when, for the first time, the silence had been broken. Maybe it was the cats, or maybe it was the perilous situation the teens had found themselves in, but there was an undeniable energy that came to the volunteers eager to participate in the capture of a serial murderer. It was almost sad that word had gotten out to cease attempts in finding the culprit- immediately, the mood was defiant, but as everyone realized the gravity of the situation by the attack that occurred, things became quiet again. The influx of cats and dogs breaking societal bounds had slowed and nearly halted- it killed him to see interspecies friendships break down just as fast as they had formed.

 The influx of cats and dogs breaking societal bounds had slowed and nearly halted- it killed him to see interspecies friendships break down just as fast as they had formed

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Still, though, there were a few who had returned. In an antechamber amongst the halls, Capper scribbled onto his notepad with rapt creativity, finding each and every possibility and creating webs of what-ifs with them. He caught himself resting his teeth on his tongue, sticking the small pink out absentmindedly as he poured all his focus onto what had transpired in the last week. He paid no heed to the other dogs in the room, except for the occasional glance when the bernese mountain dog piped up in frustration or achievement, to which the blue-furred mutt across from him jumped, stolen from the horror novel they were reading.

With a nibble on his pen, Capper leaned his notepad against his chest, making room for the newest edition of "THE KEMONOTOWN FETCH" on his lap. He unfolded the thing, licked his right 'thumb', then flicked through each page with a practiced impatience. When his eyes scanned over the article he was looking for, he beamed with sly joy, his chest warming up with pride.

He turned his attention back to the paper, beginning to look over the article buried behind sports and politics.


Capper skipped the boring preamble of a recap, finding it strange that the article got so little attention. Capper hoped it was because people put it behind them now that all the students had been healed, but something told him it would be on the front page if cats were responsible.

"... Just this Monday, students from Hachiko reported 'being helped by a magical dog', 'attending a school day with cats', and 'witnessing a dog summon a 50-meter-tall skeleton to heal everyone.' The Fetch questioned the lead investigator on the case; Collie Phelps, KTPD, resulting in the following statements:

"The outrageousness of the alligations are disturbing- it's hard to believe today's youth would remain so carefree as to give crank reports even after being massacred. However, the KTPD has discerned two things; one, a compassionate dog managed to resuscitate the students of Hachiko with an unknown method; two, the likelihood of cats being the culprit grows stronger by the day. Rest assured, the dog-tectives at the KTPD will not rest until the culprit has been found, as long as we get our treats."

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