Chapter V Part VI

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"We're done here, get ready to leave," Patches said aloud, loud enough for the words to pierce the door.

Dell entered in through the doorway as Patches presented the tranquillizer, handing it to her and hoisting Brownie into a more comfortable position.

"Inject it into his neck," the dalmatian said indifferently.

Dell caught the needle, unsure of what to do.

"You don't have to do this, we can help you," Sparky said calmly. Patches didn't seem to care, and wasn't sure if the words were directed at him or Dell.

"Trust me Sparky, we'll have another talk soon." The words came without emotion, as if it was simple fact the two would cross paths again.

"... How can I trust you? How do I know you won't just kill both of us the moment I fall asleep?"

Patches looked sullen, adjusting his grip on the corgi. "I need her to settle a sort of debt with the terrier. If you're knocked out, I won't need to kill you, how's that?"

Sparky looked unconvinced and like he was about to try his luck at disarming Dell and going for Patches as she moved in between them. Dell seemed similarity perturbed at the dalmatian's words.

Patches sighed and frustratedly looked over to the husky. "Why do you even care if you die? Your friends can completely fix you no matter what happens. Even if I kill every single one of you, Ginger can bring you back as zombies no problem."

Dell interrupted with a pleading stare at Sparky. "I promise, I won't let Patches hurt her, or you." She seemed genuine.

"Why are you even helping him?" Sparky begged.

Dell looked at the floor, hiding her paws in her hoodie's sleeves and twiddling them, careful not to prick herself on the needle. "I... I'm sorry, but I can't forget what happened to me... I need to do this."

"But- you don't! We don't need to do any of this- you don't have to help him!"

Sparky looked at Brownie, who was still fast asleep and squeezed his eyes shut, cringing from her vulnerable state. Dell quickly inserted the needle somewhere into his neck while he was distracted, pressing down on the syringe as he winced from the pain. His eyes felt heavy in short order, and his body slowly slumped to the ground near the window. It gave Patches a sweet feeling of nostalgia.

Then, there was a click at the library door as it came unlocked.

Patches looked over to it, mumbling "Shit!" as he grabbed Brownie as best as he could, gesturing for Dell to get the window. It took the nervous dog a second, but she muttered "Okay!" and frantically spun about. She unlatched it and quickly swung it up noisily.

Patches looked at her viciously, just as the main library door swung open and in came a lieu of students, only visible through the small window in the door's center. Dell scrambled out the window, and Patches slid Brownie down after.

The corgi landed in the terrier's arms, and she heaved with pain upon carrying someone so heavy. Just as the two got through, the door behind him opened, and he heard someone's footfalls right behind him. He reached for his knife, planning to cover Dell's retreat.

Patches panicked, fight or flight kicking in. He thought to himself, 'Okay, this is going to be a longshot, but...' before beginning to turn about and softly speak. "Please, you've got to help! Another dalmatian just lept out the window, he-"

From behind him, he heard the sparking of magical energy and one fear-inducing word.


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