Chapter XXX Part I

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"How long has it been?

"How many eras since my captors sought to key me within this iron prison?

"More tortuous than my confinement is the irony of which it is borne;

"This cage, and the lock which keeps me restrained are my own.

"Though my agony goes unheard of throughout vacant halls,

"and my writhing burgeons the walls that which surround me...

"Soon, I will be free, and those who sowed my torment shall reap their own!"

A deep, smooth voice cut through the nasally monologue, "Hello? Is someone there?"

He gasped, then gave a moment of hesitation, before peering through the head-height slits on the flimsy metal door.


"Yeah, yeah! Hey!" the squeaky voice yelled. "Over here, 312!"

"312? Oh."

The sound of a pair of paw pads plodding against the laminated tile of the hallway came closer until finally, he could see sapphire eyes peering back at his own.

"Oh my Dog. Who did this to you?"

"Wh- I... Just, who cares about that? Could you just let me out?"

The blue eyes lowered, the dog's paw assumedly wrapping around the lock as they examined it fully. "It's a combo lock. Do you want me to go get the janitor?"

"Eh, no it's fine- the numbers are 19, 15, 5."

The dog on the other side sighed, then he heard the shifting of aluminum and a light clicking sound; once, twice, and then the locker door swung open, catapulting the pink-furred wolf out and into the arms of his saviour.

The dog on the other side sighed, then he heard the shifting of aluminum and a light clicking sound; once, twice, and then the locker door swung open, catapulting the pink-furred wolf out and into the arms of his saviour

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With his eyes shut, the wolf had barely any time to wipe the moisture off his face before the athletic arms of the dog he had almost fallen on began to right him. As they detangled, the wolf wiped at his eyes once more, almost as if doing so would get rid of the dark pink streaks that had worn themselves into his cheeks. He flicked his arm and sniffled, then adjusted his lime green track jacket so that the folds would hopefully hide all the dots of water adorning his chest.

 He flicked his arm and sniffled, then adjusted his lime green track jacket so that the folds would hopefully hide all the dots of water adorning his chest

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