Chapter LXIX Part I

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Dell squirmed uncomfortably around in the chair, grinding her wrists against the rough hempen rope in a vain attempt to wiggle free, only scraping at her skin in the process.

"So, like, as I was saying," Tigger began, stepping away from the dog and appreciating her handiwork; now that the dog was gagged, there'd be no further interruptions.

"So like, Jello is almost *entirely* made out of sodium sulphate. You know, like that stuff you put on fries, except like, it has * sulphate* in it."

Dell screamed, yet her muffed cries of agony fell upon deaf ears. She let loose a single tear, which was quickly caught in a transparent gym bottle by Tigger, who quickly downed it in between squats.

"And like, I've heard if you eat it raw, it'll turn your *stomach* into Jello. How fucking crazy is *that* dude?"

Dell's wrists began to chafe, then bleed, the fur had entirely been pinched off by the rough binding, and there was hardly any skin or flesh keeping the rope from roughly scraping against bits of wristbone. Dell revelled in the agony, it was something to keep her mind from the endless torment, and the promise of soon bleeding out was a prize to be gained from all the torture.

"And, like, it *dehydrates* you! That's right, it STEALS water from your body like a gremlin!" Tigger said, flexing so hard patches instantly died from the concentrated wave of air that was displaced by the movement of muscle. Several thousand kilometres he had tried to run from the cat, and yet still could not escape her harsh embrace. Olive cried, clutching patches' dead body in their hands before they too were snuffed out by the sheer power the toyger displayed.

"Anyways, thanks for coming to my Ted talk."

Dell had died hours earlier, but that didn't matter. Tigger had already summoned her naruto shadow clones to enter the abyss and torment the rat terrier for all eternity. Tigger was cool and not written poorly at all the end.

Happy Patches' Birthday everyone (^:

If you're wondering what the hell this is. I made this up in like 10 minutes a few days ago after showing some of my editors the first draft of chapter 8, where I wrote some of the worst shit I've ever written. This is based on that.

PA 3.5: End of a Tailحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن