Mitt x Brick x Reader

472 11 17

It was supposed to just be a simple in and out; kill that disgusting excuse of a creature, then run for it before you're caught.

But it's never that simple, is it?

"Hhhbbhhhhhhcckk!" You gurgle out, Whisker's dry blood mixing with your own as your mouth dribbles broken bits of teeth, saliva, and blood. It's pure body horror how concave your mouth has suddenly become, and how string-like the bits of muscle connecting your teeth have turned into.

They don't even bother saying anything to you, Whisk's sibling just kicks you in your gut, and then swings wildly again, bashing your right paw and sending the knife careening away. Blood splatters their white and lavender school uniform, staining their otherwise eerily perfect appearance.

As they bash you again with the improvised weapon, it impacts against your shoulder, shattering bone as the brick's tip cracks off and you feel blood seeping into your uniform. A quick glance reveals an artery's worth of red mixing in with the black of your vest.

"Whbhat!" You scream, throwing your fluffy paws out in a vain attempt to block the next attack. When they grunt with effort, you wince, and the nerves in your arms go wild as you hear a sickeningly wet crunching sound, and the sensation in your body tells you your right arm is curving now. You scream.

They whail on you, over and over again, ribs crunching and organs splintering as they crash into you. A quarter of the brick has crumbled and cracked away now, leaving most of the rest in tatters, held together only by the cat's paw as they realize how inneffectual it is, and whip the rubble at your mushed chest with a squish and a spit.

They raise their foot above your head, standing on your midsection as you feel blood leak out into your uniform and onto the concrete. People must be looking at you by now, you beg for one of them to help you, but with your shaky eyes you barely see the forming crowd staring on in horror- both at the cat and at you, some are taking pictures, most are trying to make sense of the situation.

You catch a small glimpse of their bloody pawpads and enraged expression, moments before their foot crashes into your head, and-


Dont worry Im still writing and editing I promise look its just a funny thing I wrote Im sorry :stare:

Currently editing the first couple thousand words of the next chapter(s?), should be out in a couple days.

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