Purrfect Apawcalypse: Spectrofurobia! Chapter 2

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The dry pasty walls poorly reflected the waning bulb as it sputtered on. Colours in the room ignited, searing the poor cat's eyes worse than any incomprehensibly large demon god.

"UuuuUuuuuUggGghhhh..." he groaned, shielding his eyes from the glaring pastel colours of Olive's stuffed animals and their gaudy ornamentation that the room was just lousy with. Someone else might've called it 'cute', but he called it 'trying too hard.'

"You alright?" Sparky asked, bumping the siberian white on the shoulder with his own, trying not to choke Patches with the leash. "Need some sleep?"

"Don't insult me, Fritz," Patches countered, slapping himself onto Olive's bed and splaying his arms out.

"... That wasn't an insult," Angel sneered, growing fed up with the poor cattitude. "Sparky is trying to be nice."

"Mhmm," Patches murmured back, turning away from the duo as potential plans to escape the collar popped up and were immediately shot down.

"... I'm going to the bathroom." Angel said, crossed and pissy at the cat.

"W-Wait, don't leave me alone with him," Sparky begged, "Can you wait for Olive to come back from the bathroom first, at least?"

"I was going to go get them... actually."

"Oh!" he said, perking up, "That's fine then! Thanks!"

"Yeah..." Angel groaned, "If he's going to act like that... I think Olive is the only person that can snap him out of it."

"Alright, good luck!" Sparky cheered, planting his paws on his hips as Angel sulked out of the room, his puffy sweater vest getting caught on the door frame and snapping him from his thoughts.

When the dalmatian had gone, Sparky looked directly at Patches, crossing his arms, and then letting that expression sag and contort into one of frustration.

"Patches," he began, trying to get the cat's attention. "Patches."

"Uuugh," Patches continued to groan, folding up the pink heart-shaped pillow and covering his head with it, trying to let the red fluffy blanket he was on lull him to sleep before Sparky kept ripping him from his trance.

The husky growled. "Rrrgh, I'm trying to help you," he began, "ever since Halloween, I've respected Olive's wish, and I've been trying to cheer you up and be your friend, but that's a two-way street."

"OH, well thank you for-"

Patches interjected, sitting up way too fast and bonking his head against the bookshelf Olive kept just above their bunk, giving him pause and making him rub at the new bruise.

"Thank you for- for..." he felt something revving inside of him, a chainsaw that grew in fury and temperament, "Thank you for siding with the genocidal maniac instead of me, thank you for turning the one person I relied on against me, and thank you OH so much for putting me on a leash and constantly insulting me at every waking moment!"

"Coco is not a genocidal maniac, you were using Ginger, and you deserved a lot worse," Sparky spat, interrupting him. "Before Olive changed my mind, I was ready to kill you and Ginger both for hurting my friends." He crossed his arms, letting his fluff mess itself up with the harsh and sudden movement. "I was nice to you, I cheered you on, and I still will- so why do you hate us all so much?"

The door cracked open again, Angel meekly inserting his muzzle through the crack as if he was trying to slip past the door without bothering it. He took Olive with him, though they weren't so timid about entering the room, and strangely enough- they had their eyebrows furrowed in anger. Seeing them made him scoff, and he went back to lying down on the bed away from them.

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