Chapter XV Part IV

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Sparky frowned. "What's with that dog?"

Brownie looked towards Olive, then spoke up. "I dunno. He just seems really disappointed- I'd probably be too if my friend decided to help out an idiot like Patches."

Mitt looked impressed. "I guess that irony just sails over your head, doesn't it?" she said towards the corgi, who seemed confused.

Coco piped up. "Thank Cat that whole demon business is over... I'm sorry about all that, guys."

Sparky smiled, and Brownie excitedly nodded, happy to please the cat. Meanwhile, Mitt appeared indifferent as they combed their hair with a paw.

"... And, I'm glad you came, but, why are you all here?" Coco asked, bringing a paw to her chin in contemplation.

Rover avoided Coco's gaze while the other dogs looked at Mitt for answers.

"As I said," Mitt started, "Patches hurt Ginger. Me and Coco are already skipping school to be here so we could capture that rat in the cellar, but... Without Ginger here, there's no one left to protect Hachiko- it's no longer safe."

Coco looked surprised. "Wait, you're not suggesting what I think you're suggesting, right, Mitt?"

Mitt looked to the hardwood floor as they mulled over their thoughts. "You don't have a problem with skipping school until this is over, right?"

Coco almost looked offended, but her amusement outweighed it. "Of course I have a problem with skipping school," she straightened her back and lit her eyes with attentiveness, "but- if you're fine with skipping, then I think this problem is getting serious enough to stay home for a while."

"Yeah," Mitt sighed, "I haven't missed a day of school since I was born, but... After seeing Ginger, I don't think I can focus with that mad dog running around the place."

"If- If you're sure!" Coco said excitedly. "Oh man, you're gonna be here for a while, Mitt! Is there anything I should keep in mind when I go down to get food?" Her eyes lit up with adoration.

Mitt could tell why a cat-like Coco would be happy to work so closely with an esteemed member of the elite magic club, despite whatever the cat might say.

"Don't worry about food for me. I'll just make a demiplane and dump some things in there to last me a few days," Mitt said.

The casual flex had the intended effect, and Coco appeared dejected. Before she could speak, however, Mitt added a few more words.

"If you'd like, I could teach you how to do it."

Coco was shocked from her stupor. "Wait, really?! I- I mean, yeah, we'll have a lot of time to spend sitting around the house, might as well swap spells while we're at it, right?"

Mitt nearly chuckled at the cat's lack of humility. "Sure, but before we do. I need to gather my idiot brother," they paused, "and, I suppose yours as well- anyone who'd be a target."

Coco went from happy to alarmed in a moment's notice, her tail standing on end as she got up from her sitting position at the table. "You want whisk to stay here too?"

"Well, obviously, yeah. Did you not get that I wanted the dogs to stay here as well?" Mitt asked, poking fun at the oblivious cat.

Coco had barely any time to cry out in anguish before Brownie started excitedly wagging her tail and pumping either fist.

Rover didn't seem too excited at the prospects.

"So... Something like a sleepover then?" Sparky asked rhetorically.

PA 3.5: End of a TailOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora