Chapter XXII Part II

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"OWW," the dalmatian exclaimed, groaning as he rubbed his newly blackened eye, curling forward as he nursed it, hoping the pain would soon subside. He still brandished the wand, letting it glow with grey energy as he felt frustration welling up inside him.

"Wh-What are you doing here?" she demanded. The same conviction she hated cats for didn't shine through in her demeanour towards the dalmatian, and she seemed both horrified and defeated.

"Here's a better question: why are you throwing random crap at my head?" he said bitterly.

"I- Because I'm bored!"

"So you decided to throw a beaker at my face?"

"No! I was- throwing them at the stupid door!" she shouted. "I've been locked in here for like, three hours?" She contorted her face in bemusement at herself. "Wait, why are we talking about this? You- Why are you here?"

Patches felt his eyelid swelling already from the hit and flicked it open and closed for a moment before looking up to address the dog. "I'm here to rescue you, of course." There was a slight air of bitter sarcasm to his voice, just barely detectable behind the seething he felt at his new bruise.

"I- No you aren't. You punched me in the throat, why would you want me out of here?"

Patches forced a chuckle. "Well, to be honest with you, I simply wanted to get out of the cold for a while- it's very nippy out right now. But, less about me- how're you?" He smiled wickedly as he began to sass, "You meet with that trustworthy little friend of yours?"

Dell opened her mouth to speak, furrowing her brows in anger before the fury slowly faded from her visage.

Patches cracked a smile. His mistake with Sparky was allowing Rover to get away. Despite the husky's pleading, it was clear his death wasn't nearly as painful as it should have been. Patches would not repeat the flaw and would ensure Dell watched her object of affection burn to a husk before her very eyes, as she rightly deserved for being such a pitiable traitor.

Dell grit her teeth, shutting her eyes in shame. "F- I... You were right," she said, defeated.

Patches smiled, his eye wincing in pain as he took a step into the cellar. "Oh, Dell. Don't beat yourself up. I would've done the same thing in your place."

She looked at the dog, confused and concerned.

"Although I can't say I know how you feel, It's clear you had a great deal of trust in that dog; I hope you see now that it was misplaced."

Her features softened again, and she looked at the floor, dejected. She nodded her head lightly before speaking, "I... Guess."

Patches looked at her, his eyebrows raising in amusement. Their gazes met for a moment before Dell let her head droop back down to the floor.

Dell shook her head. "I don't know anymore... Honestly, I thought you were going to kill me the moment you came through the door."

"Oh, it crossed my mind," Patches joked with the flagrant gesture of his paw, "but I must say I've grown quite attached to you." He smiled wide, wagging his tail as he hid the wand behind his back, continuing to articulate with his free paw. "We're a regular old Bonnie and Clyde; joined by fate in our quest for revenge!" He shut his eyes and put his paw on his chest, "Dare I'd say you feel like a part of me now, wouldn't you agree?"

Dell looked supremely confused and couldn't stare at the dalmatian anymore. "Uh.... okay?" she muttered.

"Hmm?" Patches prompted, cracking open his tired grey eyes to stare at the dog.

Dell put on a fake smile, still dulling her eyes as she spoke with a chuckle, "Well... the sarcasm isn't lost on me.... you don't have to pretend like we're friends, or like you're not mad at me for trusting him."

Patches shut his eyes again, letting his smile droop into a contemplative frown. "Dell, you wound me. Do you think I'm so petty that I wouldn't forgive you for a single mistake?" He shook his head. "We've been through so much together, and there's still so much we could continue to do. It'd be a shame if I couldn't call you my-" he stuttered, suddenly feeling ill as Sparky's earlier words coursed through him like lightning, "- friend."

There was a lingering pause as Patches watched Dell narrow her eyes and begin to hiss out her next words.

"Patches... I don't know if I want to be your friend."

Patches frowned, disgusted with her response, and his expression drooped. "Excuse me?" Maybe it was better she died here if she wasn't going to fall for his tricks. He needed her if he was going to make this easier on himself, but if she wouldn't comply then there was hardly a reason to keep up this charade.

Dell began to sweat, raising a claw up to her mouth so she could nibble on it nervously. "What do I do..." he could barely hear her whine.

"Ehe... Fair, I suppose. I haven't exactly been the nicest person to you, but it hurts to hear that, Dell." His mask cracked as memories of what school was like before the massacre came to his mind. "But, if I must say, I don't think either of us have much of a choice but to work with one another."

Dell looked at Patches quizzically.

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