Chapter XXIX Part V

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Luna stammered, holding the large red door open first with a paw, and then letting her foot take the brunt of it as her whole body began to shiver as the chill autumn air wooshed in alongside the lingering scent of Kemono Woods that stuck to the cat's body. "I-" she tried to speak, but her admiration of the cat conflicted with what she needed to say.

Tigger clicked her barbed tongue, "Cool," she then resumed her usual cocky smile. "So you need help with that club of yours?" She raised up an arm, furling her bicep and letting a gust of wind bristle along her brilliant fur. "Holly said it was pretty lit already, but I bet can give some ideas that'll make it SICK."

"Oh," Luna felt her mind ease, and for a second, Patches wasn't there. She reminded herself to simplify her vocabulary for Tigger's sake, then mumbled. "No, it's not... it's not a lit club, it's a lit club."

Tigger cocked her brow.

"A literature club? I told you about it, it's-"

"OH YEAH!" Tigger exclaimed, her huge stature making it come out almost as a shout. "I remember now! You said you read in it and stuff! Not gonna lie, doesn't sound like it's my style, but uh..."

Luna wore a defeated smile, one that the toyger picked up on right away.

"That doesn't mean it won't be fun!" she said, backpedalling as a trace of sweat formed at her forehead. "I just wasn't really ever good at it, but you can prolly teach me what's fun about book stuff, yeah?"

She tittered, happy to hear the cat's voice. "Tigger..."

"Sorry I'm being like SUPER stupid right now. You were a really fun dog to talk to! I thought you were gonna be mad at me for not knowing words, but I don't feel dumb talking to you or anything- you're totally the nicest dog ever!" Both Tigger and Luna began to blush at the constant compliments, but the poodle's smile was quickly wiped away with moroseness. "And seriously, I just want to hang more, doesn't matter what we do if it's with you, dude!"

"You-" she beat back the heat welling in her chest, "You can't come in, I'm sorry."

"Wuh?" The reaction was immediate, "Why the heck not?"

"... Because..." Luna couldn't think of what to say.

"Oh! Is it... because people might be scared of me?" Tigger asked, disheartened. "That's cool, I totally get that, but eh, do you wanna go somewhere then?" her mood had visibly dampened by the addling of her eyes and the lowering of her posture. "Or just stay outside and hang?"

"Just... um..." Luna could feel the eyes boring holes into the side of her head, but she felt no fear- it was overwhelmed by the dramatic irony of the task he had put her up to. "Just, get out of here, okay?"

Tigger furrowed her brow. "Is someone puttin' you up to this?" she demanded, "If they are, then I don't care who, I'll kick their butt!" The toyger rolled up her nonexistent sleeves, "Lemme in!" they bellowed.

She tried to brush past Luna, only stopping when the dog slammed her paw into the cat's chest and loudly protesting. "N-No, please, just get away from me," her eyes went wide as she realized how close the tiger was to entering the school and seeing Patches, "Don't- Don't come in."

The hulking cat nearly barreled the dog over with her attempt, but she stopped, irritated. "What?" she growled, "Why?!"

Luna grimaced, looking off to the right so as to avoid eye contact. She could see Patches bringing a bloodied paw up to his bruised face and covering his mouth with it. He joyously giggled at Luna's expense, keeping himself hidden from the occasional student that would walk around further down the hall.

"Hey?" An orange paw landed on Luna's shoulder, drawing her attention back to the cat with a start. "Seriously, what's wrong?!"

She took a shallow breath, then a deep one and grasped the cat's paw, brushing it off of her shoulder. "Just listen to me, okay?" she pleaded, slipping the paper into the cat's paw and ensuring she had a grasp on it. "I was just being nice to you before, I don't want to get caught talking to a jock, or a cat,"

Luna felt the energetic potential the toyger held in her paw. She was angry, filling with frustration at the words said, but the prod of the card against her paw pads gave her pause. Tigger let go of her paw, then looked at the card with a scowl; were Patches able to see her, the note would have been evident.

"Or someone like you." She stared at the tiger intently, maroon eyes brimming with hope.

"The heck is this..." Tigger mumbled, mulling over the contents, then once more before her features softened. She let her paw fall to her side and looked up at Luna, shocked. The tiger tried to whisper, "I can help, just let me-"

With a shove, Luna shut the cat up. Not that the push could actually move the cat, but the gesture had still shocked her. "You're not listening! I can't be seen with you."

The cat sucked in air through her teeth, crossing her arms and furling her shirt. "That dumb, stupid, mean..." she whispered under her breath, worrying Luna that Patches would hear her. Tigger closed her eyes pensively, exhaling. "So what, what do you want me to do?"

Luna began to sweat, a crooked nervous smile growing on her features as her tail started wagging. "I'm not quite certain..." she could suddenly feel Patches glaring hard at her, shocking her from her trance. "Eh? Why are you asking me that? Just go see your actual friends, maybe. I don't care," she hissed, her eyes starting to sting.

The cat opened her eyes and let her arms fall to her side. She mouthed something at Luna with saddened eyes, begging her for something.

"Just, get out of here Tigger." She expired air. "I hate you."

The brute stood there, crumpling the paper into her paw. "Yeah, I hate you too."

Luna shut the door, automatically causing it to lock, and then lamented. She wiped her watering eyes, drawing in a single restrained sob before regaining her composure.

"Miss president?" Patches intoned all full of cheer, "You're needed at your desk."

--- Author's Note:

Kinda curious if I wrote Tigger bad at all. If you have any feedback, lemme know!

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