Purrfect Apawcalypse: Spectrofurobia! Chapter FINAL

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"That was STUPID." Brownie whined.

Ginger clasped her paws together, shutting her eyes and smiling in an expression of positivity. "I think it went quite well!"

"There's no way they believed us..." Angel sighed, clasping his black and white paws together and fiddling with the beans.

Patches smirked, bending over at a seventy-degree angle and bringing a paw up to his muzzle, scratching at it while scrutinizing the literary world of cats' titles.

"Brownie," Coco sighed, trying to stop the corgi from going on her ramble.

"Like, who's idea even was it to bring five dogs into cat territory? This is gonna get us killed!" she whisper-shouted, eyes bulging and scanning her friends.

Amidst the sweat and embarrassment, Coco's eyes swivelled to Olive, who was shaking, staring at the beige carpeting with a nervous smirk.

"Oh for the love of Dog." Her eyes picked up on the wordless communication, and Brownie droned out a complaint as Sparky came in behind her, his baseball cap threatening to slip off at any moment. "Coco you seriously need to stop doing everything Olly asks for."

Clasping her shoulder, the husky snapped the tension with his powerful voice. "Look at the bright side, Brownie, you get to read with all of your friends!"

"Ah yes, reading," the corgi rolled her eyes, "my favourite pastime."

"Y-Yeah!" Olive cheered, "And with furiends you can get all close and snuggle and read together!"

There was a shift of uncomfortable silence in the room as a smirk cracked on Brownie's features, and her obnoxious blush got redder.

"Oh my, look," Patches sassed, "an entirely too-small armchair that can barely fit two people." He pointed off down some path between bookshelves and display stands, barely caring to even look down the way to see if there was a chair.

The silence continued, growing in intensity as Olive, Ginger, Sparky, and Angel cautiously waited for Brownie's excited smile to stop widening and for Coco's tail to stop betraying its owner.

"D-Dibs," Brownie whimpered out, "Dibs for Coco, too."

"Holy cats," Coco hissed from between her blush, "Why are you always so gay."

The bombay took Brownie by her arm, dangerously close to a paw, and yanked her down the aisle in search for somewhere they could be together. The excited tippy taps from Brownie interrupted Patches' browsing for only a moment longer, then they grew quiet enough amidst Coco's flustered cursing that he picked out a title that caught his eyes and began to browse the contents.

"Haha," Sparky's chuckle caressed him like rays from the sun, "Good one Patches, I think Brownie owes you one for that."

"Oh she doesn't owe me anything," he grumbled, "I just wanted to get back at Coco."

"Heh heh!" Sparky continued to chuckle, patting Ginger on the back. "And that was a nice save by the way- I thought the librarian had us when Olive's tail started wagging."

She blushed at the praise, "Well, thank you!" she whispered, "But we should probably lower our voices a little..?"

It was just then the husky noticed the gazes of a few patrons, noticing the odd disposition, rounded features, and large headgear each of Patches' friends was wearing, perhaps catching on to the fact they weren't cats.

"Right, sorry!" he whispered, still a bit loud.

"S-Sparky?" Ginger commented again with a chastising tone.

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