Chapter XXIV Part I

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The patches of grass lining the muddy ground grew less and less sparse as Dell made her way alongside the shattered cobble path that stretched towards the Grimalkin's estate. Amongst her hours of sitting against the cold, uncomfortable concrete, she had thought of what Coco's house might look like, how large it was and how opulent the spoiled creature's lifestyle had been.

"Dell, remember to keep up a good pace. We don't have all the time in the world, here."

Dell sighed, eyes darkening as she began to purposelessly stare off into the dead menagerie of flora that surrounded her. As much as she hated Coco, Patches was probably worse. It didn't take a genius to figure out there was some kind of serious beef between him and the cat. As much as she felt she should hate Patches for his part in the genocide though, it didn't justify what that stereotypical, murderous, selfish monster had-

"Dell, really, please. You're lagging behind," Patches prodded. He weakly smirked at her, then gave an insistent gesture to keep moving.

This time he turned around to face Dell before spouting off his bile at her. She couldn't stand there and just let that menace stare her down; she would look directly back at him and tell him to shut up, then slap him over the head for what he was inevitably leading her towards.

"I know, sorry," she murmured. 

Patches smiled, shook his head, and began to slow down his pace. He looked down at Dell with glimmering grey eyes - one of which was swelling black - that complemented his curt smirk. The dog wasn't able to wear a frown, it seemed.

"How are you even able to walk?" Dell asked, growing spiteful as the dalmatian began to flank her. "You should be dead." Patches then outstretched a paw and placed it on her back, silently ushering her forward.

"Oh please, these are hardly injuries," Patches said, his breathing clearly laboured, "and besides, it's hardly the worst thing those monsters have done to me."

Looking away from the dog, Dell quickened her pace, if only to keep herself away from the dalmatian's touch. "You still haven't told me what they did. I mean, honestly, sometimes it seems like you're doing it just to do it." She crossed her arms, and let her vision sway as far away from the dog as possible, pouting. "Not that it matters, I guess."

A crisp silence permeated the air alongside a gust of cold wind. The only thing keeping either dog company was the sound of paw pads crunching against gravel. Dell felt eyes on her and slowly turned her head around to face Patches, unsure of what to expect and hoping she hadn't pissed him off enough that she'd find the business end of a wand.

She found the creature was cradling his sore, beat-up chest and staring back with a fiery gaze. It was unlike anything she had received from the dog before- it reminded her of the first time they had met, but there was more behind it, like he wanted to retort but something hurt him gravely enough to where he couldn't focus on the words. Soon after their gazes met, he turned away submissively, but his posture still betrayed whatever unsavoury thoughts he might've had.

Dell took the silence as a blessing, though one that hardly lasted.

"I forgot to thank you for pointing out the rune. My eyesight is hardly what it used to be," Patches said, forcing out a chuckle at his own joke.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up," Dell whispered to herself, low enough that she was confident the dalmatian had no chance to hear, no matter how good his floppy ears were.

"... Well..." the dalmatian continued, trying to force more words where none came. For once, he was speechless, and Dell was determined to have it stay that way; she was nothing but a cold, honed purpose, and she wouldn't fail.

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