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Set and Nep are pretending to lounge in their room, but, in reality, they're worried. It's not a stretch to believe the council wants Athena and Ares dead too, and for any of their plans to actually work, they need the two of them. Of course, they could make a plan in case Athena and Ares are dead, but they have no way of knowing if they're dead and won't until it's too late. So leaving without them is out of the question entirely.

Nep: We're not doing anything sitting here.

Set nods but doesn't add anything. They both know they're not going to accomplish anything hiding in their room, but they can't go snooping around. They can't ask for information or leave the floor without being monitored. They've noticed the tails that appear when they leave the tower.

They're crippled, in a situation with few ways out.

There's shouting outside their room somewhere else on the floor. They both look at the door and move to see what's going on.

Opening it, they spot Hodr running down the hall in front of them.

Set: Oni.

He stands in his doorway, same as them, watching.

Set: You know what's happening?

Oni: No. Didn't hear what they said.

Nep: Then we should follow him. It could be important.

They follow down the stairs. After a few flights of stairs, they slow down to conserve energy but keep a good pace. As they near the bottom, they can hear shouting outside and a loud booming voice above it all.

Set: Is that the PA system?

They have a PA system, but it's never really been used outside of tests. It's for important messages to alert the entire community at once. It's only supposed to be used for serious threats like an attack or problems while a herd is roaming through. They treat the slaves like shit but still have to keep them alive.

PA system: Return to your designated buildings until further notice. No exceptions. You will be alerted when you can return to your work.

It's a prerecorded message that loops over and over. It doesn't tell them anything about what is happening but lets them know it's serious.

Nep: What the hell is going on?

They haven't seen anything like this before. Stepping out of the tower, they watch as the slaves scramble to get to their workplaces or quarters.

Set: Hey!

Set grabs the nearest slave as they run by. A young girl, no older than twelve from the look of it.

Set: Do you know what's happening?

Unknown: Traitor gods! They've turned against us! They're killing anyone they find!

He lets her go, and she runs away.

Nep: It's gotta be them. No way they're killing anyone they see, though.

Set: Probably just to scare the people.

Oni: So, we're doing this now? In broad daylight?

Set: It doesn't look like we have a choice.


Seeing as you didn't have time to think this through, you're not surprised that so far, it's not been easy. But, for now, you're running, just trying to avoid your pursuers. You hope that eventually you'll figure something else out.

You: They've got the PA running.

You can hear it in the distance.

Brooklyn: That's a good sign.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin