Vengeful-The Shack

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You're starving. It's been two days since your last meal, and that wasn't even a meal. The last time you really ate anything substantial was a least a week ago. Your stomach won't stop screaming at you and feels like it's eating itself from the inside.

You: Shut up.

Your stomach growls again in response. You're dizzy and feel like you might vomit, but you keep going. What are you going to throw up anyway?

If you're lucky, maybe you'll find some sort of food before nightfall. You've got plenty of time. You look up at the sky. The sun is about to hit its halfway point on its path.

You stumble and catch a tree just before you fall to the ground. You take a few deep breaths as you try to gain control of your body again, but the hunger fights back. You've started sweating, and your stomach is sending shockwaves of pain through you.

You: Damn it.

Unknown: Hands up.

Someone has snuck up on you. You were too busy focusing on trying to keep moving that you didn't even hear them.

Unknown: Don't make me ask twice.

You: Listen, I can't even stand up straight right now, let alone raise my hands.

What do they want? That's all you need to know. If it's stuff, you don't have anything. Which, depending on what kind of person you're dealing with, could be good or bad.

You: I'm starving.

You're going to try and let him know you're not a threat. Maybe he'll buy it and just screw off.

Unknown: That's not my problem.

He's not going to wait around, so you do as your told. You push off the tree and stand as best you can, nearly falling over in the process.

You: If you want to rob me, I'm sorry. I don't have anything.

Unknown: Nothing, huh? Not even weapons?

You: No weapons. Just the clothes on my back.

Unknown: Where'd it all go?

You: No clue, to be honest.

You lose your stuff so often, you don't even worry about it anymore. Sometimes you have to leave in a hurry, sometimes you'll lose your stuff to walkers, and it looks really good for groups when you don't have anything. They're more willing to let you in that way. Easier to screw over.

Unknown: Well, I'm not here to rob you. Looking for someone, actually.

You: Oh yeah?

You've got your back to him, so he can't see your face. Does he know you?

Unknown: Yeah. He's about your size, same hair color.

You: I'll- uh- come find you if I see anyone like that.

Unknown: Turn around.

You: You sure? May go blind if you see me.

You're worried now. You're running scenarios through your head of what's about to happen, and none of them are good.

You: You know, because I'm so good-looking.

Unknown: I'm sure.

He's dead set on you turning around. If you don't, he may just shoot you and be done with it. You don't even know if he has a gun. You've had your back to him.

You: Alright, man, I warned you. So don't blame me if your eyes melt.

Time slows as you turn, and your body begins to understand the situation. It's done fighting you for the time being as you prepare for the worst. You feel horrible, but you can move. You have to.

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