Vengeful-Greek Goddess

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The group, about fifteen large, has set up on a bridge leaving town. If you were to fall off the side, you'd drop a few feet into the mud at the bottom of the ditch running under it. There's no strategic value to placing themselves here, and it strikes you as odd. Are they overconfident, underestimating you, or have they just not planned well?

John: Where is he?

You: The messenger?

You point behind you.

You: Walking somewhere back there.

John: You killed him?

You: Mhm... You look rough, John.

The right half of his face is bandaged, and bits of exposed skin down the same side are burnt. It looks painful.

John: It's nothing.

His whole group looks like they've been through hell. Clothes ripped; bandaged arms, legs, heads, and so on; skinnier than most are usually; bags under their eyes; so much wrong with them that you doubt they'll survive a few more days out here. They've probably already lost some. They're not used to life outside their walls anymore. It's become more challenging since the beginning, but over the past few years, it's gotten hard enough that sustaining a group of this size without planning is nearly impossible.

You: I get it. I hurt you.

John: You ruined us.

You: I know. It wasn't supposed to be like that.

John: You still did it.

You: And I'll regret it for the rest of my life... How did you find out it was me?

Unknown: My husband was the one you shot in the leg. I found him before the walkers killed him.

A woman steps forward.

Unknown: I will never forgive you for that.

You: I don't expect you to... I got a lot of you killed.

John: Don't Wanda!

Wanda charges you. You unsheathe your knife and dodge a swing at your torso. It isn't until you put a few steps between you and her that you realize she has a blade of her own.

John: Wanda, stop!

You: You should listen to your leader.

You nod your head in his direction.

Wanda: I will be the one to kill you. No one else.

She charges again, aiming for the same spot. You step to the side, grab her wrist, and send an elbow to her face, hoping it's enough to get her to stand down. You don't know how the others will react if you kill her. She throws a wild swing with the knife, not giving up. You barely dodge as it slashes past your face. It actually cuts you, but only a bit right at the bridge of your nose.

The wild, not thought-out swing was a bad idea on her part. She missed, and it leaves her open. You grab her raised arm and stab her twice in the side.

John: Stop! Don't join her!

You can't see how many are coming, so you stab her in the back of the neck and push her away.

You turn on the approaching enemy. Enemies. Three others have decided to join in, in an attempt to save their friend's life.

Unknown: You're gonna pay for that!

It'd be best to end them fast and get them out of the way. If you let the three of them surround you, this will be harder than it needs to be.

You run at them, ducking low as someone swings high, and you slice their thigh on the way by. You dodge backward as you straighten up; someone else is using a knife to try and kill you. Another comes from behind you as you move back. You kick their knee, knocking them to the ground. They have a bat, and if they would swing hard enough, they could do some damage.

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