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The new "recruits" have been sorted and sent to their training areas. They're in their quarters now, trying to get what little sleep they will. Most of them won't sleep at all. Tomorrow when their testing starts, some will be weeded out, but most will be sorted into their roles. Their test will only take a day or so, a simple evaluation. You wish you were so lucky.

The community is quiet now. No one is outside now except the guards and the lower slaves used for... Pleasure. You and Athena are the last ones from the Tower left out, having done your rounds of the communities exterior.

Athena: I can't wait to go to bed.

She stretches her arms above her head and yawns.

Athena: I'm so fucking tired.

You: Do we get to rest, or are they going to have us do more?

Athena: I'm sure we'll have tomorrow off.

You: The whole day?

Athena: Yeah. Why not? We raided that place without a hitch.

You: Seems to not matter for Set and Nep.

Athena: Yeah.

You think she has something more to add, but she doesn't.

Athena: Say, how about tomorrow we-

You: No.

Athena: What? I didn't even say anything.

You: No.

Athena: I was just going to say we should train. Maybe spar a few times.

You: No.

Athena: You're no fun.

You: You're just going to win.

Even though you've mostly recovered from what you endured through your testing, she's a better fighter than you. You're not sure how she does it, but she wins nine times out of ten. You think you have her, and then you're on the floor with a knee pressed to your neck.

Athena: It'll only make you better.

You: I don't feel better afterward.

Athena: It's not about how you feel; it's about how you perform.

You: No.

Athena: Then what are you going to do all day? Nothing, exactly.

You: Fine. Whatever. Been wanting to practice with my knives anyway.

Athena: You mean when you throw it?

You: Yeah.

Athena: You'd be better off using a bow.

You: Can't use a bow up close as well as you can use a knife.

Athena: Can't use a knife from as far as you can use a bow.

You: I'd rather be closer than far away.

Athena: You do you, but I don't think you'll get anywhere throwing knives around.

You: I can hit my target most of the time now.

Athena: You've never tried in a fight.

You: Things take time.

Athena: I'm just looking out for you. I don't want you getting yourself killed just so you can kill someone with a little flair.

You: I'm not doing it to show off. I thought it would be a useful skill.

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