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Hello. This is somewhat a rewrite of my old CxMR, but I think it'll be different enough to be its own thing. I'm going to try to make things better than they were, take stuff out, add stuff in, etc...

An upload schedule is unclear at the moment and could be a little more sporadic than the last story.  Everyday uploads, for the most part, were a bit unhealthy, so...

One significant change I'm making that I feel is important enough that you need to know now before you get into it: Project V is not a part of this story. And don't expect it to end up going where the story went last time. I genuinely don't know where it's going to go in the end. So, while I'm following the set path a bit, I'm changing it up to the point that maybe down the line, we end up going somewhere completely different.

I'm excited to start this LONG journey again and maybe take some new paths. I hope you'll join me.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat