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Tyr, Hodr, Hundun, and Hachiman have returned. They left not long after Athena and Ares and then returned the same night.

Nep: It's fishy, right?

Set and Nep heard that they left and saw them return. Now they're standing in the middle of the street as slaves of different tiers walk around them, keeping their distance. There's no worry that they'll be heard, and if they were no one would say anything.

Set: Definitely.

Nep: Think we should do something?

Set: Like what?

Nep: I guess there's not really anything we can do.

They don't know where Athena and Ares are. They could be dead in a ditch somewhere, or they could be perfectly fine, doing their job. But, they can't do anything without information.

Information they know they'll never get.


Aj: Clem, why do we have to do this every day?

Me: Because someone needs to patrol.

Aj: Yeah, but why do we do it every day.

Me: I can't do much else. You liked patrolling not too long ago.

Aj: I do, but... I wanna do something else.

Me: What's important right now is making sure we're safe. There aren't many of us, and we don't have the weapons or supplies to fend off an attack. So if someone comes for us, we're as good as dead if we don't see them first.

Aj: I know that. I just want to trade with someone for a few patrols.

Me: Maybe you can ask them to trade with you.

Aj: I will.

Me: Why are you in such a hurry to get away from me?

Aj: I'm not. I just want to do more.

Me: I wasn't serious. You can do whatever you want.

Aj: I wish you could do whatever you wanted.

Me: I can.

Aj: Not like you used to. You can't fight very well anymore. And since we don't have any guns...

Me: Don't worry about me so much, Aj.

Aj: I do. I can't help it.

Me: Just don't let it get to you.

I don't get as much time with Aj as I used to. He's grown more independent, and that's good for him. I want him to go out and help where he wants. But it may just make him worry more.

Aj: Clem, are you still upset?

Me: About what?

Aj: That guy. Y/N.

Me: Why?

Aj: Because you're different. You disappear sometimes, and you don't talk to everyone as much.

Me: I'm not happy about it.

AJ: But are you ok?

Me: I don't know, Aj.

Aj: You didn't know him for long.

Me: That doesn't matter.

Aj: And you... Kissed him.

Me: Yes.

He's not brought this up until now. I knew he would eventually.

Aj: Why?

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